The Disastrous Aftermath Of The Haraam Interfaith At Sultan Bahu

 2 Sha’baan 1440 / 8 April 2019 

“Soon shall there be an age when the worst of the people under the canopy of the sky will be their Ulama. From them will emerge Fitnah, and the Fitnah will rebound on them.” (Mishkaat)

In the March 2019 edition of a local Benoni Newspaper called ‘Benoni Times’, a picture of the participants of the interfaith meeting is shown with a short article underneath it.

The issue here is the following:

  1. In the picture, 3 Muslim men are seen – 2 Molvis of a Jamiat based in Fordsburg.
  2. The individuals posing for the picture means that the Molvis happily agreed to trample upon the Law of prohibition of photography in Islaam.
  3. A woman is also in the picture.

We had issued an article on this issue and explained why such a meeting is Haraam. Insha Allah, this disastrous aftermath of such Haraam meetings will be understood by the Haq-seeking Muslims, without any explanations or proofs.

It really makes one shudder to note the type of Ulama with modernised, corrupt ideologies and bankrupt of Taqwa we have in this country. It is indeed a huge concern for the future generation of the Ummat of our country. If todays’ modern Ulama who are rubbing shoulders with the enemies of Allah and His Rasool publicly display such vile audacity, then what will be the condition of the Ulama and the Ummah in the near future?

Whilst Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam turned his Mubaarak countenance away from the Mushrikeen who had moustaches and no beards, and instructed the Ummah to oppose them by growing beards and shortening the moustaches, the same ‘heirs’ of the Ambiya (viz. the Ulama) are seen rubbing shoulders with the Kuffaar!

If Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam was alive today, would he have approved of the deeds of these Ulama? If Hazrat Umar Radhiyallahu anhu was alive today, would he have accepted this and remained silent?

We urge the Haq-seeking Ummah of South Africa to totally abstain from modernist, deviated Ulama. Modernist deviates (Ulama) were among the greatest fears of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam. He feared them more for the Ummah than Dajjal!

Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam announced his fear in the following words: “There is something I fear for my Ummah more than Dajjal.” Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) repeated this thrice. When questioned as to what this was, Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) replied, “Misguided and deviated leaders.” (Musnad)

With what audacity did the Molvis of an organisation who is supposed to be spreading the Deen of Allah Ta’ala in its Pristine Purity, arrange and partake in an interfaith meeting? With what stretch of ‘permissibility’ did the Molvis of an organisation pose for a photo with a woman?

It is upon the Muslim community to demand an explanation for all these un-Islamic, Haraam actions exhibited publicly by these Ulama. Ask them, rather, demand from them their reasons in the Light of the Shari’ah for these shameless acts committed so flagrantly. The Shariah provides not the slightest condonation for such evil misdeeds.

Such activities of sinning shamelessly in the public eliminates their Adaalah. According to the Shari’ah, their testimony is UNRELIABLE in Deeni issues. Their word in matters of the Hilaal announcements will be rejected on the basis of the Principles of the Shari’ah.

May Allah Ta’ala protect the Ummah of South Africa from the evils and un-Islamic activities of these Ulama who sin and violate the Shari’ah in public without the slightest pang of shame, Aameen.

The following are the points the Rabbi that was present at the interfaith meeting stands for:

Rabbi Saar Shaked says he stands for:

  • Lively, up to date, accessible Judaism.
  • Judaism that is pluralistic, abundant and attentive.
  • Judaism that has profound connection to ancient tradition without relinquishing innovation and creativity.
  • Judaism of truth, of moderation, of good will.


How can Muslims, leave alone Ulama, mingle and rub shoulders with such a staunch Jew who is such a staunch proponent of the Jewish religion?

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