The Dont’s Of Ramadhaan

The Don’ts of Ramadhaan

  • TV – It is Haraam in and out of Ramadhaan!
  • Islamic Radios – They waste their own time and the listener’s time. They host many Haraam programs, dramas and competitions in Ramadhaan, besides the issue of airing the women’s voices!
  • Shopping – Only if it is a dire necessity which you require to buy, then too, go to a small and quiet shop nearest to you to save maximum time!
  • Women Driving – Even out of Ramadhaan women can’t drive due to many Hijaab reasons!
  • Visiting – Remain in your house at least in Ramadhaan. When one increases mixing in Ramadhaan, our alignment will be out!
  • Cell-Phones – Minimize your connection with the cell-phone. If you can, abstain fully from it. Otherwise, limit your reach to it, it might contaminate our focus!

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