The Film-Making Umrah Team

The Haraam Film-Making (‘Deen’) Team

The ‘Deen’ Team Has LOST Deen!

It had and has nothing to do with the Real Deen

Just like JUSA’s secretary general teaching the Ummah the Haraam permissibility of making films in Umrah, the ‘Deen’ Team did exactly the same in their Umrah trip!

A brother has written the following letter, which adequately casts a background on the lost path of the Haraam-Filming-Deen-Team:

“Assalaamualaykum W. W.

I would like to bring to your urgent attention on something important. It is about the Deen Team. I have the following points regarding this matter:

  1. At the outset, I subscribe to the Fatwa of the Ulama-e-Haqq and the major Darul Ulooms of SA such as Azaadville, Isipingo, etc. that animate photos and videos are Haraam.
  2. Earlier this week, the Deen Team’s Ameer posted a video. He has been posting regular videos of their recent Umrah trip. This video was the last video of this Umrah trip and was about Taif.
  3. I opened this video and tried my best to view it in a way that I blot out the animate parts in this Haraam video.
  4. The Ameer of Deen Team is seen in this video in his Umrah trip – trip to Taif – with a SHORT SLEEVE black Kurtah.
  5. The members of this trip – the youngsters – appear on the video speaking about their trip, etc. This is Haraam committed in the Umrah trip, remember that.
  6. People of the team with cheese-kops and long Kurtahs are videoed. This is Haraam also, remember that.
  7. While all this is shown, and other parts of perhaps Taif is shown, the background voice speaks about the difficulty endured by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) during his trip to Taif. So ironical, despite setting foot on that part of the land which was the most difficult of trips, this Deen Team group is indulging in filming and videoing?! How silly.
  8. Speaking about Hazrat Addaas (Radhiyallahu anhu), the Deen Team Haraam movie-members are filmed once again in their brief background on this great Sahaabi. While being in Masjid-e-Addaas, they are filmed like Haraam Bollywood film-makers and actors. If there was any feeling for this trip, they would have had the audacity to respect the warnings sounded by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) on photography, the very same accursed action they are involved in on this Haraam Umrah trip.
  9. Then the part of the Haraam video comes wherein the Mubaarak Heart of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is STABBED by the Deen Team! They are indulging in a meal in an anti-Sunnah way – the way of the Israeli rats – tables and chairs. Then when back in SA, hot-air is blown about the crisis in Gaza, yet our eating in the Mubaarak trip of Umrah emulated the eating style of the Israeli Yahood Magh-dhoobeen!
  10. Together with that, there is Pepsi poured in glasses, and the Deen Team’s Ameer and his partners in crime indulge in a Haraam meal in an anti-Sunnah way – on table and chairs. Is Pepsi not a staunch supporter of Israel? Then they having programs in Arcon Park on the Gaza-crisis, yet they are indirectly contributing to this crisis by drinking Pepsi. Furthermore, I know of our respected Ulema of the Haqq who call on us to abstain from Pepsi, coca-cola, etc. not for boycotting purposes, but due to these drinks being doubtful, harmful and bordering on Haraam. And I fully agree with that and don’t drink these unhealthy, doubtful drinks bordering on Haraam.

The conclusion I draw: What Deen, what Sunnah and what legacy of the Qurbani of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has this Deen Team achieved in their above indulgences? While our Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) underwent such difficult conditions in his trip to Taif, on the same field and town, today, this Team goes and indulges in Haraam, thereby causing more difficulty upon Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by doing that (filming) what he forbade? The Deen Team indulges in anti-Sunnah, indulges in an anti-Islamic way of life? Where are its priorities?

Truly, parents can see there’s nothing, absolutely niks of Deen in this Team! Its only modernism, Haraam, liberalism, following and bootlicking scholars who are worshippers of their Nafs by allowing all Haraam as Halaal, who in turn are the bootlickers of the government, the bootlickers of SA Rugby and the promoters of Mr Ramaphosa in their accursed Twitter praises lauded to him for SA’s rugby win!”

(End of the brother’s heartfelt lament)


Such an ‘Umrah’ in null and void. They should repeat their Umrah without indulging again in any such Haraam film-making. Allah Ta’ala warns, “Whoever intends to perpetrate an act of irreligiousness there, We shall let him taste a painful Azaab.” (Hajj)

The fact is, since this Lost Team is in cahoots with the scholars of the Government (like UUCSA, JUSA, Darul Ihsan), there is no conundrum in the Haraam activities they have indulged in, in their so-called Umrah trip. It appears to be rather a film-shooting trip, in the name of Umrah, in the Holy Lands! Since their scholars they hang around with recently have also been for Umrah and captured films in the Holy Lands, there is no surprise this Lost Team has done the same.

The fact that our current senior, pious, Principals and Ulama-e-Haq of the major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa don’t mingle with this Lost Team, don’t endorse their activities and don’t have anything to do with them, shows their (‘Deen Team’s) doings are not endorsed by the Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa. The Lost ‘Deen’ Team is endorsed by the camp of Baatil – the scholars of Baatil, the scholars of the government, marches, protests, TVs, sports and world cups! Then what else to expect if Baatil supports this ‘Team’?

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