The First 10 Days of Thul-Hijjah

1 Thul-Hijjah 1439/13 August 2018

Great merits have been mentioned in the Hadith regarding the first ten days and nights of the auspicious month of Thul-Hijjah which we are currently in. These are the days of Hajj for the Hujjaaj and Qurbani for those who are at home. Allah Ta’ala’s system is such that He makes certain times and months auspicious and virtuous in order that we remain on our routine, the routine of Ibaadat.

Just a few weeks ago we observed the Great Month of Ramadhaan. In it, we did plenty of Ibaadat, Alhamdulillah. Tahajjud, Sehri, Fajr with Jamaat (for the men), fasting during the day, Ishraaq Salaah, Dhu-haa Salaah, Du’a, Tasbeehaat, Du’a before Iftaar, Iftaar, Taraaweeh, Tilaawat, Sadaqah, Zakaat and other Nafl actions filled the days and nights of Ramadhaan. The last ten days hosted a great yet concealed night called Laylatul-Qadr.

Regarding this night, Allah Ta’ala has revealed an entire Surah in His Kalaam and named it ‘Suratul-Qadr’. In it, the greatness of this night is mentioned as, “Better than a thousand months.” This is a ‘bonus’ rewards for those who engage and spend this night in Ibaadat! Yes, they earned the reward of a thousand months of Ibaadat! Allahu-Akbar!

The Hadith does not tell us with certainty as to which night is the night of Qadr. It informs us to this extent that one should search for it during the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadhaan. Hence, many Muslims went into total seclusion and observed a great Sunnah named ‘I’tikaaf’ during the last ten nights in search for this great and powerful night in order to gain the maximum in terms of Ibaadat and Thawaab.

But the reality of the matter is that the exact date of this night remains vague. We are encouraged to search for it during the odd of the last ten nights of Ramdhaan. In order to benefit from the bonus of this great night, one had to engage in Ibaadat during all the odd nights in order to remain safe and have hope of obtaining the rewards of Laylatul-Qadr.

Now we find ourselves in Thul-Hijjah. The Hadith explains that the one who engages in Ibaadat during the first ten nights of Thul-Hijjah receives the reward of making Ibaadat on the night of Qadr! Yes, the same reward and ‘bonus’ will be received merely by making some extra Ibaadat on these nights. Remember, the reward of a thousand months’ Ibaadat is hoped for making spending some time in Ibaadat on the nights of Qadr. The same applies during these nights.

Another advantage point is that each of the first ten nights of Thul-Hijjah holds this great reward. Laylatul-Qadr is only one night among the last ten nights. On the other hand, each of the first ten nights of Thul-Hijjah earns one the reward of Laylatul-Qadr. Allahu-Akbar!

Indeed, only an unfortunate Muslim will pass these nights in futility, sin and waste. Only a Muslim who lacks in genuine love for Allah Ta’ala, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, Tilaawat, Thikrullah, Du’a and Nafl Ibaadat who will ignore these nights and pass them in the same way as any other night. The routine of music, Haraam TV, chatting to an illicit beloved and going out with friends towards sinful places will hold more ‘importance’ in such an unfortunate person’s life, especially during these nights. He/she will prefer sin and dens of evil over Ibaadat and drawing closer to Allah Paak, especially during these days and nights.

We humbly appeal to one and all, to try and spend some extra time in making the following forms of Ibaadat during these nights:

  1. Tilaawat: If the last time we opened the Qur’an Majeed was in Ramadhaan, then let us go back to the routine of Tilaawat. At least start off with reciting quarter Juz per night. If time permits, increase it gradually.
  2. Thikrullah: Make a quota of reciting the third Kalimah hundred times, Durood Shareef hundred times and Istighfaar two hundred times.
  3. Nafl Salaah: Try to perform at least two Rak’aats of Nafl Salaah. Join few intentions for this Salaah like, Salaatut-Taubah, Salaatus-Shukr etc. If time permits, gradually increase the number of Rak’aats.

Likewise, we appeal to one and all, to abstain from committing and indulging in sinful activities. One should consider every sin as major, however, we mention a few sins to give special consideration in abstaining from:

  1. TV: This is a major sin. It is a combination of sins. In it there are the sins of looking at women, listening to music, viewing liquor adverts, wasting time and looking and admiring Kuffaar. And if it is a so-called ‘Islamc’ TV channel, then the sins are doubled because one commits the above sins in the name of ‘Islaam’!
  2. Israaf/wastage: During these blessed days and especially nights, avoid all wasteful activities. This includes engagements, wedding functions and other similar gatherings in which the call of the event is wastage. Wastage in food and time! We are not even going into the topic as to whether such functions are permissible or not. Just the wastage part in them is sufficient to make one abstain from them!
  3. General sins: Like photography, videoing, posting animated photos and videos on social media, music, dating the opposite gender etc.

The Hadith mentions that one will receive the reward of a year’s fast for each day of fasting during the first nine days of Thul-Hijjah. (It is not permissible to fast on the day of Eid, followed by the three days thereafter.)

We request you to remember us as well in your pious and humble Du’as.

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