The Fitnah Seerah Jalsahs – Warning!!!

Fitnah Of The ‘Seerah’ Jalsah – BE INFORMED!

The Fitnah Seerah Jalsah’s “Mufti” & His Disrespect To Our Akaabireen…

“A Mu’min is NOT bitten by the same hole twice.” (Bukhari Shareef)

Annually, the Ahl-e-Baatil scholars host a Jalsah dubbed as ‘Seerah Jalsah’. From the recent history of these Jalsahs, one will be naïve not to notice the agenda these scholars are pushing hard down the throats of the Ummah by deceptively using the word Seerah. Previously, with tears in his eyes, in this type of ‘Seerah Jalsah’, the (now) ‘Mufti’ cried out to parents to send their daughters to universities. Imagine what a naïve call and cry!? Is the ‘Mufti’ so dilly or bluffed, or simply ‘dancing to the tune’ camouflaged in his cry and plea to send daughters onto the beds of Zina, to be used for free by any boy / male as and when he desires – i.e. universities!? All this to achieve their agenda of Dajjalizing Islam?

The above is just one simple aspect from the recent history, about 2 years back, of this Seerah Jalsah Fitnah, which suppose to immediately make any Mu’min realize ‘something not right’ in this ‘Mufti’s’ cry. And this ‘something not right’ is the Fatwa of the heart as mentioned in the Hadith Shareef, “Seek a Fatwa from your heart”. A Mu’min’s heart will whisper the sound of ‘something not right’ when Islamically SOMETHING IS REALLY NOT RIGHT! Subhaanallah!

The Hadith quoted above applies to the Mu’mineen who are sincere in following the correct Deen and are not naïve to be fooled by tears, cries, pleas and lengthy Arabic quotations (mis)-quoting text to push the agenda these ‘Seerah Jalsahs’ of FITNAH stand for.

Remember, the Seerah Jalsah is streamed on video and in particular, You-Tube.

In the first place, Mu’mineen who are interested in following the True, Genuine and Correct Deen are not interested in such You-Tube streamed accursed videoed programs by celebrity kind scholars who themselves dress-up (doll-up) to appear on You-Tube and videos. Thus, such fortunate souls (i.e. the Mu’mineen) would had been saved by the terrible disrespect hurled at a great personality among the galaxy of our Akaabireen at this year’s ‘Seerah Jalsah’, who if he was alive today, would definitely not have approved anything of these Fitnah Seerah Jalsahs.

While there are several other aspects to discuss about the Fitnah of these Seerah Baatil Jalsahs, in this article of ours, we focus on the utter disrespect hurled at our Akaabir Aalim of Haq. The “Mufti” grossly disrespected the Great Personality, Allaamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahmatullahi alaih. Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilaihi-raaji’oon!

The disrespectful statement of the “Mufti” of the Fitnah Seerah Jalsah:

The “Mufti” scholar of the Fitnah Seerah Jalsah is quoted to have said, “Anwar Shah Kashmiri said, the matters in which there’s juristic differences between scholars…”

Note the following regarding the above disrespect hurled at the Great Allaamah Rahimahullah:

  1. We are not sure who this “Mufti” is referring to by avoiding any honourable title any sane mortal would have offered to a great personality.
  2. Or is it perhaps the “Mufti” is referring to his garden-boy?
  3. The above doubt is due to the “Mufti” saying just before his disrespect hurled at Allaamah Shah Saab Rahimahullah, “…I say please because I’m quoting the words of Anwar Shah, not to me, I’m a regular mortal my bro…”
  4. Any ordinary mortal gives respect to his parents and seniors – in fact to any human being. But this “mortal Mufti” has rather not titled a great personality with even the slightest vestige of Adab?
  5. Note how the “mortal Mufti” doesn’t even say Moulana, Hazrat, forget the title of Allaamah which our seniors title Hazrat Allaamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Saab with.
  6. Also note how he avoids making Du’a for the personality, Hazrat Allaamah Shah Kashmiri by saying ‘Rahmatullahi alaih’, or any similar worded Du’a.
  7. And note that he mentions the name of Hazrat Allaamah Saab at least two times in a minute, both times with no title or Du’a!
  8. Is this Adab? Is this the kind of Adab expected from any mortal? Even a mortal Kaafir addresses his father with a title and anyone senior with a commonly used word such as ‘uncle’ so-and-so and not directly calling by his first name!
  9. This trend of showing not Adab to our Akaabireen has been noticed by these type of scholars who are attempting very hard to water down Islam, to Dajjalize Islam and to set the stage for Dajjal’s arrival.
  10. Lastly, from recent history, one will find the quotations of these scholars are incorrect or misquoted. Ml Bham misquoted Mufti Kifayatullah Rahmatullahi alaih in his Haraam SAUF tour to Zambia, in his desperate attempt of (mis)using Mufti Saab’s name as his ‘rubber stamp of approval’ for his Haraam interfaith-Kufr meetings.

In conclusion, the Seerah Jalsah of Fitnah’s “mortal Mufti” has done a great disservice to the Akaabireen. His calling Hazrat Allaamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahmatullahi alaih without any title or Du’a whatsoever is condemned and declared as DISRESPECT of a very great level!

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