The ‘Friends’ Of The Kuffar

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Allah Rabbul Izzat instructs EVERY BELIEVER NOT TO STRIKE UP FRIENDSHIP WITH THE KUFFAR in the following beautiful Aayaat:                  

“O You who believe! DO NOT take the Jews and Christians as friends. They (the Kuffar) are only the friends of each other (and cannot be your friends). Whoever of you (believers) befriends them, then he is surely FROM AMONG THEM (KUFFAR).” (Maa’idah, 51)

Immediately after the above Aayat, Allah Rabbul Izzat highlights the exact scenario as transpiring in our context of ‘the friends of the Kuffar’:

“You (O Nabi and the Mu’mineen) will see that those in whose hearts is a disease (hypocrisy) race (rush, are quick in) to be with them (the Kuffar)…” (Maa’idah, 52)

Then, with love and mercy, Allah Rabbul Izzat explains who the friends of the Mu’mineen are supposed to be:

“Your Protecting Friend is ONLY Allah, His Rasool, and the Mu’mineen Who establish Salaah, pay Zakaah and who bow in Ruku’.” (Maa’idah, 55)

Assuring victory to those who are ‘THE FRIENDS OF ALLAH’, etc. as mentioned in the above Aayat, Allah Rabbul Izzat says in the very next Aayat:

“Whoever befriends Allah, His Rasool and the Mu’mineen (instead of becoming ‘friends of the Kuffar’), then indeed THE BAND OF ALLAH shall be victorious.” (Maa’idah, 56)

Beautifully, Allah Rabbul Izzat clearly explains who the true Mu’mineen are:

“The Mu’mineen (believing) men and the Mu’minaat (believing) women are SUPPORTERS (helpers, protectors) OF EACH OTHER (not of the Kuffar in their court proceedings AGAINST the Mu’mineen!)”(Taubah, 71)

Then, explaining the total opposite, the situation of the Munaafiqeen (hypocrites), Allah Rabbul Izzat says:

“The hypocrite men and women are from each other (they are all alike in belief and deeds). They command evil, prevent good………They forget Allah, and He forgets them (i.e. does not shower Special Mercy on them).” (Taubah, 67)

Allah Rabbul Izzat instructs His Beloved Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) not to curry-favour with Kuffar, rather to be stern with them IN MATTERS OF DEEN, NOT TO BE THEIR FRIENDS IN COURTS AGAINST OPENING OF THE MASJIDS (etc.):

“O Nabi! STRIVE AGAINST the KUFFAR and the MUNAAFIQEEN and be STERN with them. Their abode is Jahannam. What an evil place to return to (in the Aakhirah)!” (Taubah, 73)

Furthermore, Allah Rabbul Izzat urges EVERY Ummati to assist and help each other in good deeds and refraining from assisting each other in sins in the following Aayat:

“Assist each other in good works (virtue and piety) and Taqwa and DO NOT assist each other in sin and transgression.” (This appears in the 2nd Aayat of Surah Maa’idah)

Warning Muslims of choosing the correct ‘friends’, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

الرَّجُلُ عَلَى دِينِ خَلِيلِهِ فَلْيَنْظرْ أَحَدُكُمْ مَنْ يُخَالِل

“A man is upon the religion of his friend. Let each one of you look at whom he befriends.”

(Tirmizi – also narrated in Abu Dawood and other Hadith Kutub)

We can fill up pages of many more Qur’anic Aayaat and Ahaadith Shareef, together with volumes of Tashreehaat (explanations and commentaries) explaining that Muslims should NOT choose to befriend the Kuffar. Nevertheless, anyone with some Imaani health will understand the dangers of befriending the Kuffar from the abovementioned Aayaat and Hadith Shareef. How then can a group of Ulama appeal to the court to be ‘friends of the Kuffar’, aiding and abetting the satanic scheme of not opening the Masjids? Remember, these Ulama are to this day opposing the opening of the Masjids and will be present as ‘friends of the court’ against the Ulama-e-Haq who are seeking concession from the government to open the Masjids, albeit with some measures.  

Explaining the close-connection of Muslims to each other, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Muslims are like one body of a person. If the eye is sore, the whole body pains, and if the head is sore, the whole body pains.” (Muslim)

During the lock-down, due to government laws, the Masaajid are locked. Those Muslims who used to frequent the Masaajid, forget their eyes and heads been sore – as described in the Hadith above – their hearts are BLEEDING, feeling the absence of visiting Allah’s House! Muslims are supposed to share the ‘bleeding’ and NOT be friends of the court to thwart the attempt by sincere Muslims to gain concessions for the opening of the Buyoot (Houses) of Allah Azza Wa Jall.

May Allah Ta’ala make us see the true colours of these individuals / groups / organisations who choose to be ‘friends of the Kuffar’ rather than ‘friends of the Mu’mineen’, Aameen.

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