The Gauteng Looting, Rioting And Rampaging


We request the Ummah of SA to turn to Allah Ta’ala in Du’a and Istighfaar during this critical time in which we are aware of the looting, rioting and rampaging taking place in Johannesburg, Benoni and other parts of Gauteng.


While turning to Allah Ta’ala is on its place, together with that, we should also reform our westernised lives we have adopted. An immediate stop has to put on our extravagant and Haraam wedding functions, which comes with a host of several other western/Kuffaar-style feasts we arrange prior to the day of Nikaah like ‘High-Tea’, ‘Mendi-Night’, ‘Bridal-Shower’, etc.

The Fitnahs of the so-called ‘Islamic’ radio stations operated under modern ‘Ulama’ bodies is mind-boggling. Too many un-Islamic activities take place on the air-waves of such so-called ‘Islamic’ radios.

There is no need to explain the impressibility of TV. TV, whether it is a so-called ‘Islamic’ TV channel, or a TV program on which a (modern) ‘Moulana’ or (modern) ‘Mufti’ appears, remains Haraam. The Fatwas of the permissibility of TV does NOT change the LAW of Deen regarding the impermissibility of pictography! Thus, every Ummati should discard, smash and chuck away the Haraam TVs!

While TVs have made it into our lounges and even bedrooms, our cell-phones also play the role of a TV. Our cell-phones can be used as a mini ‘cinema’, ‘stadium’, etc. Thus, watching You-Tube videos, Naats and other such videos, live-streaming sports, posting and downloading animate pictures and videos on social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp, etc., are all sins pertaining to the cell-phone.

Consuming doubtful and Haraam food is very common. We even have – unfortunately – Ulama and Muftis who say Rum and Ethanol alcohol are Halaal! Thus, a door of Haraam food to enter the Ummah’s stomachs have been flung open by these modern Ulama who simply term such Haraam things as Halaal.


Merely sufficing on advising the Ummah to make Taubah and Istigfaar and ignoring the Haraam the Ummah is involved in, will NOT attract any Divine Aid from the Heavens! We have seen some messages and pamphlets, some are issued by Ulama, advising the Ummah to make Istighfaar, etc. However, they have failed to advise and firmly command the Ummah to stop the evils, sins and vices the Ummah is involved in (in SA).

It should be noted that it will be extremely difficult for some Ulama and Ulama bodies, to command the Ummah to stop the Haraam activities and brand many activities of the Ummah as Haraam, since some of the same Ulama approve of them. Take the example of TV. How will they manage to say that TV is Haraam since they or their members appear on it?


May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Tawfeeq to change our western-cultured-lifestyles immediately. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Hidaayat to discard the common sins which have been legalized as ‘halaal’ and ‘permissibile’, such as TV, commercial meats, interest related investments, medical aids, etc.


Insha Allah, we will prepare several articles on the topic of the common sins the Ummah in SA (in particular) are involved in. Some of our honourable readers have also sent this request. Therefore, we will focus more on the department of Nahi anil Munkar (forbidding evils).

We request you to kindly keep us  in your special Du’as that Allah Ta”ala allows us to fulfill the above intentions we have, Aameen.


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