The Intelligent Haaji

The intelligent Haaji

Despite the fancy buildings that Makkah displays
The Ka’bah outshines them in many ways

The markets have electronics, handbags, shoes and gold
But the Ka’bah holds a beauty that can never be sold

While some flock the shops to beautify their dressing
The intelligent Haaji dwells in the Haram, to reap its blessing

Fortunate was Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu anhu who accompanied Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam in the cave
Fortunate is that soil which fills his grave

While some look for perfumes, perhaps White Musk or Ood
The intelligent Haaji visits his Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, to send abundant Durood

Some look for Abayyas and Kurtas, perhaps Daffa or Aseel
Bargaining and shouting in order to get the best deal

But with Allah the intelligent Haaji has made his deal
Forgive my sins whilst before you i kneel

O Haaji, with status and position so perfect and sublime
Don’t roam the markets, appreciate your time

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