The level of respect for his Ustaad and Sheikh

Since the time Hazrat Sahal bin Abdullah Tastari (Rahmatullahi alaih) became the Mureed of Hadhrat Zunnun Misri (Rahmatullahi alaih), Hadhrat Sahal never spread his feet nor leaned against the wall. One day in Tastar (his home city), he suddenly stretched his legs and said: “Ask me whatever you wish.” When the people in surprise said: “Hadhrat, you had never done so before.” He replied: “As long as the Ustaad is alive, the student should conduct himself with respect.” The people made a note of the time and date. Later it was established that Hadhrat Zunnun Misri (Rahmatullahi alaih) had passed away in Egypt precisely on that day and time.

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