Manliness & Abandoning Salaah With Jamaat

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Abandoning the Jama’ah, a sign of one’s lack of Muruwwah.

Unfortunately, we find in current times that many men have become laxed and have abandoned the Salaah in Jama’ah. This, most certainly, is a large contributing factor to the lack of maniliness and bravery amongst the Muslim men.
For a man, it is essential that he performs his 5 daily Salaah in Jama’ah. When a man opines to perform his Salaah at home, then he resembles the womenfolk. This is because Salaah at home has been prescribed upon the women, and in Jama’ah for the men.

Allah Ta’ala says :

في بیوت أذن ٱلله أن ترفع ویذكر فیها ٱسمهۥ یسبح لهۥ فیها بٱلغدو وٱلـٔاصال ۝٣٦ رجال لا تلهیهم تجـٰرة ولا بیع عن ذكر ٱلله وإقام ٱلصلوٰة وإیتاء ٱلزكوٰة یخافون یوما تتقلب فیه ٱلقلوب وٱلأبصـٰر ۝٣٧

“In those houses which Allah has ordered to be raised, and where His Name is mentioned. He is glorified there morning and evening by MEN who are not distracted—either by buying or selling—from Allah’s remembrance, or performing Salaah.”
(Surah Nur)

Under this verse Imaam Baghawi comments:

قيل: خص الرجال بالذكر في هذه المساجد لأنه ليس على النساء جمعة ولا جماعة في المسجد
(تفسير البغوي)

“It is said that Allah Ta’ala has specifically mentioned men in these Masaajid due to there being no Jumu’ah Salaah nor Jamaat Salaah prescribed upon the women in the masjid.”

Allah Ta’ala in the above verse has described those who attend the Jama’ah in the masjid as men.
This shows us that those who do not perform their Salaah in Jama’ah can never be regarded as true men.

Aside from the above, The Fuqaha of the Hanafi Madhhab have differed regarding the status of Salaah in Jama’ah

Allamah Ibn Nujaym mentions:

الجماعة سنة مؤكدة، أي قوية تشبه الواجب في القوة، والراجح عند أهل المذهب الوجوب
(البحر الرائق)

“Attending Jamaat Salaah is regarded a Sunnat e Muakkadah meaning such a Sunnah that resembles a waajib act in strength. Although, The preferred opinion according the Ulama of the Hanafi Madhhab is that the Jamaat Salaah is Waajib”

From the above, it becomes clear that the one who abandons Salaah in Jama’ah due to laziness does not only resemble the womenfolk but rather he is also sinful for abandoning a Sunnat e Muakkadah or a Waajib.

The Muslim men should make a firm resolution to endeavour and ensure that they perform their Salaah in Jama’ah.
With this, they will not only be absolving themselves from sin but rather they will be adopting the first step of attaining true maniliness.

With the adoption of Salaah in Jama’ah will most certainly come many other qualities of maniliness such as the love for Jihaad fi Sabeelillah.

As the saying goes

من خان حي على الصلاة فسيخون حي على الجهاد
“He who betrays the call حي على الصلاة (come to Salaah), then he will surely betray the call حي على الجهاد (come to Jihad).

اللهم اجعلنا من المصلين الذين هم على صلاتهم دائمون