The Mother Of Hazrat Anas Bin Maalik

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Hadhrat Rumaisa Radhiyallahu anha was the mother of Hadhrat Anas Bin Maalik Radhiyallahu anhu who was in the employ of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam for many years since childhood. Her other name was Sehlah and she is also known as Umme Saleem or Umme Sulaim.

She had embraced Islam against the will of her husband whilst Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahu anhu was still a child. Her husband who was greatly offended with her Islam, deserted her and the child and went to Syria where he was killed.

Several men proposed marriage to Hadhrat Rumaisa Radhiyallahu anha), but she refused. She said that she would not marry as long as her son, Anas was a child. She would think of marriage only after her son became an adult, and then too, she would marry with his consent. Despite being young, she refused marriage
for the sake of her son.

The fear of a second husband ill-treating her son prevented her from marriage. Also, she believed that she would not be able to devote all her time and attention to her son if she married again. After Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahu anhu reached adulthood, she married Hadhrat Abu Talhah Radhiyallahu anhu with the consent of her son. According to one narration, her son, Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahu anhu performed the Nikaah.

About Hadhrat Rumaisa Radhiyallahu anha, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “On entering Jannat, I heard someone walking. When I enquired who the person was, I was informed that it was Rumaisa, the daughter of Milhan.”

In Islam it is perfectly permissible for a divorcee or a widow to marry again. There is no stigma attached to such a marriage. The choice of marriage or abstention therefrom is for the woman to make.

However, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam praised a woman who abstains from marrying again for the sake of nurturing her children. In this regard Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that a woman who had abstained from marriage for the sake of devoting her entire time to rearing her children, will be together with him on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Therefore, if a woman who is able to guard her honour, modesty and chastity, refrains from marrying again, to enable her to devote her undivided attention, love and time to her little children, she will attain a very lofty stage in the Aakhirah.

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