The Proper Haafizul-Qur’aan

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Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu), one of the most senior among the Sahaabah, proffered the following advice and admonition to the Haafiz of the Qur’aan:

“When the people enjoy themselves with food and drink, the Haafiz should be fasting.

When they are laughing, the Haafiz should be in contemplation.

When they dispute, he should be silent.

When they manifest pride, he should be humble.

The Haafiz of the Qur’aan should be a person who is one who cries and who is always grieving and tolerant.

He should not be a person of ill conduct.

He should not be Ghaafil (oblivious) nor rowdy nor of harsh disposition nor one who is arrogant.”


(Our comment: While the above might be difficult to practice upon, the minimum a Haafiz of the Qur’aan should do is to behave like a Haafiz Saheb. His dressing should be conforming to the Sunnah. His trousers should be above his ankles. His Kurtah should resemble that of the senior Ulama of the Ummah. Not fancy and flashy non-SUnnah, maxi ‘Kurtahs’ with logos and brands, colours and patterns, extra zips and funny pockets!!!

A Haafiz Saheb should ensure he eats only Halaal and Tayyib, especially meats. He should not consume take away/restaurant foods as there exists a huge doubt in their meats. He should not eat at take aways/restaurants. He should ensure he abstains from all commercially killed carrion which are labelled as ‘Halaal’ by ‘Halaal’ certifying companies. Such commercial chickens are actually Haraam. He should abstain from butcher meats which get their meats from abattoirs which stun the animals as this renders the entire animal Haraam even if Bismillah is read.

A Haafiz Saheb should sit in the company of a senior Aalim/Sheikh and be punctual in the Aalim’s/Shaikh’s Majaalis. 

Following the Sunnah in eating, dressing, abstaining from TV, watching films, movies, photography and other similar common sins which are not even considered as sins anymore should not even be perpetrated by ordinary Muslims, but even to a greater level, for a Haafiz of the Qur’aan Majeed.) 

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