Question: As we all know of the death of the queen in England, kindly offer the Shari’at’s stance on the following doings related to her death which were done by Muslims and some of the UK Ulema:
- Saying or writing ‘Inna-lillaahi-wainnaa-ilaihi-raaji’oon’?
- Making statements such as ‘may she be reunited with her lifelong love, HRH Prince Phillip in paradise’?
- Saying or writing at the end of press-statements ‘Al-Faatihah’?
- Muslims singing the national anthem at a Musjied?
- Muslims standing in a line to walk pass her casket in which she laid for viewing?
The above will be appreciated as I’ve seen such posts going around, sadly, among Muslims. Social media was also used by Muslims to express some of the above doings. Please offer the correct stance of the Shari’at.
Answer: The answers to the above questions are numbered in the same order below:
- It is not permissible to say such words upon the death of a non-Muslim.
- Such statements are un-Islamic and Haraam.
- There is no even one ‘Subhaanallah’ that can be sent as Thawaab to a non-Muslim, then how can one say ‘Al-Faatihah’?
- There is no Azaan nor Iqaamah given at the Janaazah Salaah of a Muslim Mayyit at his Janaazah – where the body is present – how can a national anthem be sung for a non-Muslim’s death? It is Haraam to sign a national anthem even on ordinary days and occasions. Many countries’ anthems contain Kufr words in their words or meaning which adds to the prohibition of singing the national anthem.
- A Muslim male cannot even see the dead body of a lifeless Muslimah’s Janaazah being passed into her Qabr due to the practice of covering her body with a sheet to conceal her DEAD BODY’S shape, etc., how then can a Muslim stand in a line of several hours perhaps to ogle at the dead carcass of a Christian female?
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