The Reward of Honesty

The wife of a Faqeer (poor man) was a very pious woman. She informed him that there was no food in the house.

The Faqeer went to the Haram Shareef in Makkah Mukarramah. In the Haram, he found a purse with a thousand Dinras (gold coins). The Faqeer was over-joyed. He took the purse and presented it to his wife. He informed her that he had found it in the Haram.

The pious lady advised him to return to the Haram and search for the owner. As he approached the Haram he heard a man proclaiming: “Has anyone found a purse with a thousand Dinars?”

The Faqeer responded: “Yes, I have found it!”

The man said: “It is for you. You may have it, plus another nine thousand dinars.”

The Faqeer said: “Are you jesting with me?”

The man said: “Wallah! No, I am not jesting. A man in Iraq gave me ten thousand Dinars and instructed me to place one thousand in a purse and to leave it in the Haram. Then he said I should proclaim the loss. Whoever comes forward with the purse, should be given the balance of nine thousand Dinars, for verily, he will be an honest man. An honest man eats and gives Sadqah.”

(Source: Subulas Salaam, page 47)