The Rise And Fall Of Jamiat Transvaal – Part 1

BY: Haqqseeker

[Kindly note, we (Custodians of the Haq) are reposting this article by Haqqseeker VERBATIM.]



Chain of events :

*The Establishment was in the year 1923 by Hadhrat Maulana Waliyullah rahmatullahi alaih

*In 1940z Mias farm was established by Hadhrat Maulana Muhammed  Mia R. A, who passed away in 1963 He was a visionary and did great work.

*Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Sanjalvi joined them in 1942 he was a great jurist and leader.

*Hafez Abdurahmaan R. A joined in 1959 this opened up the field for 1000z to become huffaadh and ulama. Mias farm then became The headquarters for learning.

*The founding fathers and men of Allah at that time consisted of Hadhrat Maulana Muhammed Mia Rahmatulllahi alaih , Maulana Waliyullah rahmatullahi alaih, Hafez Abdurahmaan Mia rahmatullahi alaih, Hadhrat Sanjalvi rahmatullahi alaih, Maulana Hathurani Rahmatulllahi alaih, Maulana Garda rahmatullahi alaih and a few others as well.

*Allah Ta’alah made it such that in 1961 Qaari Tayyib saaheb R. A from deoband came to South Africa and introduced the syllabus. Examinations used to take place Throughout Transvale and hadhrat mufti Sanjalvi was considerd the Grand Mufti of the Jamiat. at that time and many publications were done by Waterville Islamic Institute.

Mias farm had the Quran published in the late 60s

  • work took place for meagre sums a golden example is  mufti Sanjalvi rahmatullahi alaih who used to serve at Kerk Street for 2 pounds one of which he used to send to India for his family and he used to live off the other.
    His door was open at all times. Once due to him being ill his sons advised that people should only visit at stipulated times he became very angry.

This was the golden era of the Jamiat, they laid the foundations of Islam on layers of sincerety, simplicity and sacrifice as well as a firm adherence to the spirit of their seniors, fulfilling the obligation of passing on and preserving the true spirit of deen.

After the demise of Hadhrat Maulana Muhammed Mia Mufti sanjalvi Rahmatulllahi was still around, mufti Sanjalvi then left this earthly abode in 1983 and Hafiz Abdurahmaan Mia Rahmatulllahi alaih also left the world in 2005.
The reigns then went on to Maulana Ebrahim Mia Saaheb, at that stage they were very dedicated to deen however they were also in bed with the apartheid regime who started the policies of seperate development, deviding into Indian township and white townships etc in the 60s.This is the time Mias farm and by extension the Jamiat became very close with the White apartheid regime. This was shortsightedness as inadvertently the blacks were excluded and till today the Jamiat is known to all who knows its inner circle, to be a Surti /Gujrati organization in the sense that none of the officials are from any other caste or race till today and are in bed with the goverment till today.Their is not a single black, Malay, memon or Urdu official till today.

Thereafter with the internal family politics within the Mias a split had taken place, that then brought about the leadership of the new jamiat when they had moved to jhoburg.Little was it known that this discord sewed the seeds to a great great trial for the ummah.

From that point onwards all barriers that where laid down and ways that had been laid down by the founding fathers had one by one been broken down, the very fitnas which were warned about in the past became enacted under this entity who became covert IMPOSTERS.
T. V became legal, intermingling of the sexes became the norm and legalized, Radio Islam encouraged female presenters despite initial false promises to the ulama at that time that such would never take place. Then the antics of Sanha with the haraam meat and chicken

The ring leaders who swayed the entity away from the spirit of its founders and who are serving evil ends are Ebrahim Bham, Zaheer Raghi, Nawlakhi and Hayder together with their sidekick Sulaimaan Ravat.

These 4 Studies in Karachi Madrasah Arabia Islamiya and went directly against their principal Allamah Yusuf Binori Rahmatulllahi alaih who time and time again said”Never make the mistake of coming in TV and don’t ever make haraam halaal” they stamped on the teaching and spirt of allamah Binori and the true founders in every sense of the word.

Sulaiman Ravat went directly against his hifz ustaadh mufti Bhoda and Maulana Abdul hamid in azaadvile, the question is what motivated such? Was the quest for name and fame too overpowering? He deprived himself of their duas.

This is why it is rightfully said that Islam was sold and these few had thus become scholors for dollars.

This is as per the ahadith of Nabi sallahu alaihi wasallam.

Abu Dhar said, “I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saying: “There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal.” It was then that I became afraid, so I said: “Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?” He (SAW) said; “Misguided and astray scholars.”
[Musnad Ahmad (5/145) No. 21334 and 21335]

What Nabi sallahu alaihi wasallam has said is definatly Haqq.

This warning was issued so that the ummah can take heed and be alert and not taken for a ride by those who would hijack the deen as qiyamah approaches and be careful of the watering down and damage they do to the deen with eloquence and steering the public.

For anyone who has been keeping a watch they know that whenever anything had been of a Haraam nature or damaging to deen here in South Africa more often than not we would see Bham to be part and parcel of it whether it be the mixed March that took place which was clear cut haraam in shariah and all Ulama had spoken out he then twisted the issue and deflected it and made it seem as if the ulama are against boycotts while he evaded the issue of his haraam March, or the interfaith seeds that were laid which will sprout when a few senior ulama leave this world when he attended the church and became a “the Reverend” and lead memorial service for non Muslims. Whenever any important announcement is to be made he is front line in order to trap the public and give of the impression that he and his cronies represent the ulama and the public of South Africa.

To gain brownie points he was instrumental in a non muslim deputy  addressing the crowed on eid day in Lenasia thus polluting our spirituality.

The Baatil MPL law which sought to destroy the Shariah was endorsed by the Jamiat despite  great ulama standing up and the Muslim association of lawyers such as Advocate Bhoda who were against it.This will also re emerge once they feel the masses are ready and a few barriers leave the world.

He should say that mixed gatherings are haraam clearly. He will never do so as it goes against his agenda which is against Islam.
He knows more about cricket and soccer than sahabah R. A and is proud to attend these haraam venues.

A sociopath who deprived himself of the duas of his asaathidah and earned their disappointment due to appearing on TV and who will grace any function or place regardless as long as their is fame to be gained.

A supposed principal of a darul uloom yet is a director of a TV company.his crooked dealing is well known. He is the think tank behind the scenes.What can he teach? How to become actors?

A promoter of women, has a deep interest in obtaining awards from the government and MTN more than the everlasting reward of Aakhirah.
Allows munaafiqs like Tariq jameel and Ebrahim Rasool to come on air.

A seller of haraam meat for 20 years now to the ummah to gain boodle. Those that do not perform Jumuah salah are slaughtering. If a person has to slaughter 10 to 15000 chickens a day what happends when he coughs, sneezes or yawns?

ALL the well known darul ulooms of South Africa do not at all agree with the antics of This crowd and they do not represent Islam and muslims in South Africa at all.They have even overpowered Maulana Jeena with their status.

[Part 2 to follow, Insha Allah]

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