By: Haqqseeker
[Kindly note, we (Custodians of the Haq) are reposting this article by Haqqseeker VERBATIM.]
1.Why was the name Jamiat ul ulama South Africa adopted? Was it to fool the masses and the government?
Jamiat ul ulama natal was established in 1955 by the likes of Maulana Abdul Haqq Omarjee, Maulana Qasim Sema Rahmatulllahi alaih, Maulana Ansari and maulana Abdul Qaadir rahmatullahi alaih.
Is this not a deception and creating a false impression that they are representing the whole of South Africa when even the senior ulama of jhoburg do not agree with them at all on many issues and they are not even representing a quarter of South Africa as there are many other ulama bodies ?
Wasn’t jamiat ul ulama South Africa formed by maulana Desai of the majlis in 1971 and was plagiarized by these TV actors.
2.What is their stance on TV and bringing Female presenters on air as well as mixed gatherings against all the major darul ulooms in South Africa
They should give a clear statement so that the matter is made clear from the public that their views are in total contrast with the Haqq.
Going against the clear injunction of the Quran
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do.And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things)”[Surah An Noor, ayah 30 – 31 ]
When women come on TV and this is clearly prohibited in Quran have you no fear???
3.What is your stance on Shiasm?? Why is it that we cannot find a host of articles on shiasm appearing from the Jamiat Transvaal who has dubbed itself Jamiat south Africa?
Why was it when sheikh mumtazul Haqq came down on his tour against shiasm he was refused air time on Radio Islam? When it is such a huge fitna why doesn’t radio Islam hold any programs against shias? Is it because of a fear of losing on the donors who pump iraani money into the system??
When Tariq Jameel the munaafiq was brought no less Than about 70 ulama had signed against it due to his pro shia activities.. Why did Jamiat still forcefully bring him down?
The same Tariq jameel exhibited his hypocrisy when he speaks about sunni shia unity while we all know shia are kuffar?
4.Why is Sanha feeding the ummah haraam? How is it possible for the slaughterers to slaughter 10 to 15 000 chickens a day when they don’t even read jumuah salah? Anyone can confirm this with the Hammersdale Rainbow plant where they were slaughtering 300 000 chickens a day.Nawlakis sidekick Yusuf Patel is also a culprit in this crime.
5.Why did radio Shaytaan host the apostate Ebrahim Rasool who allowed his daughter to have a hindu wedding with fire rituals to Ganesh and Hanuman? The same one that used to pay the press in capetown in brown envelopes to write good stories about him?
6.when will the Financials be exposed? Why is zakaat money being spent more on family and friends. The fasakh(Annulment) process depends on how rich you are and how close you are to the jamiat.
7.Why was there a scheme to change the entire shariah with the MPL till the ulama and others stood up??
8.why does some of the jamiat members have diplomatic passports?(Bham, Raghi, Jeena) Are they not puppets of the goverment and other vile groups such as shias who are funding them and thus compromising the deen?
9.Why is the wages of everyone of the 5g group mentioned above who have infiltrated Islam R 40 000 to R 50 000 or more ? We lay out a challenge to bring forth transparency on this issue
10.The use of zakaat for one’s own children using the Heela (loopholes) that one’s children doesn’t possess anything. Tell us about that mas’alah.
11.How can a person who commits open fisq and who visits the cricket and soccer stadiums and posts about it on his Twitter account and who many many senior ulama disagree with him and openly declare his acts as Haraam be a secretary General?how can he perform Salah when many senior ulama do not read behind him such as maulana Fadlur Rahmaan, Maulana Abdul hamid and many more?
12.How can you be a prominent player in UUCSA when the head president Taliep has been declared a murtad and is known for his vile antics.
13.This all reached it peak when they fought against the Quran and against the clear cut directives of shariah against our masaajid, even now informing the goverment to keep the musjids closed , they have concealed the Haqq from the masses and went against the great Darul ulooms of South Africa and sold the Muslims out to curry favour with the government.
NO one can prove conclusively via Quran, Hadith, Ijmah and Qiyas that at any time masaajid where closed and where told not to read jumuah salah and salah at the musjid. Their letters are for all to see Jamiat Transvale, MJC, Ebrahim Rasool they are the Munaafiqeen and Murtadeen.
The Ummah must be aware of them.
From the time of Nabi sallahu alaihi wasallam, the Sahabah Radiallahu anhum and Throughout the ummayid and ottomon empire we don’t find the musjids closing in any authentic report.
These crooked maulwis will attempt to keep the musjids closed even in Ramadan because of the hidden agenda with the goverment, they actually called for closure before the government, which exposes the nifaaq in the hearts. Who gave them the right to close the doors of Allah’s house?
All the famous madaaris like Taleemudeen, Darul Uloom Zakariyyah, Azaadvile, Newcastle and Hameediya are all against these things.
The aim of this article is not to dismantle the jamiat. These are realities that have to be spoken about.
When confronted with these realities and the reality that the jamiat does Not represent the senior ulama of the country they speak of unity and use the victim card.
Remember if deen is already being compromised and the seeds of deception have already been set is can be guaged that they are just waiting in ambush for the ummah and for the remaining forts of Haqq to pass on, thereafter all hell will break loose. We shall see free intermingling of sexes, women movements such as the ones represented by Amina Wadud etc would be aired live on Radio Shaytaan as is already being done and shall be glorified. Any and every sin under the sun will be pushed foward as true Islam and deen.
Majority of the senior ulama have resigned or dissociated from this Jamiat.
This article should be shared to all create awareness to the entire nation of South Africa so we realize and not fall into this trap.
Reform or resign!! As their are many other senior sincere Ulama at the Jamiat to take your places.
It is also a plea to these scholors to change their ways. You may infiltrate the deen and change it successfully however life is short. How will you face Nabi Muhammed sallahu alaihi wasallam on the day of qiyamah and Sahabah such as hadhrat Abu bakr, Umar, Uthmaan and Ali Radiallahu anhum whom the vile shia hate with your views on mixed gatherings and the aid of the degeneration of the ummah???
Can you not see that your objectives and methods are playing into all the warnings mentioned in the ahadith?
Will wealth and fame save you In the aakhirah??
May Allah change the conditions remove the veils from the hearts and give courage to all the sincere ulama alive to speak out and not let the deen be hijackrd.The Ulama will be questioned regarding what they did when they saw this degeneration waiting to happen.
Maulana Shabbeer Saloojee dB has already spoken out, more ulama should speak against this.
The public must contact further Send emails to…
Find the other emails and speak out on this issue and save our ummah.
Do not get manipulated with the victim tactics they will play thereafter.
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