The Scarcity Of Rain And Our Actions

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29 October 2019 / 30 Safar 1441

The Scarcity Of Rain And Our Actions

Referring to rain as Rahmat (mercy), Allah Ta’ala says:

“And it is He (Allah), Who sends forth the winds bearing good news before His Rahmat (i.e. before rain arrives) …” (A’raaf, 57)

Whilst we do not rely at all on the mere predictions made by the weather forecasters, however, it is noteworthy to learn how shallow man’s knowledge is when it comes to predicting just one aspect of Allah’s creation, viz. nature, and in this case, the weather.

Thus far, the weather forecasters had predicted few times rain for the Gauteng area. One of their predictions estimated 80% of chance of a shower. As many of the Gauteng residents will be well aware, not a drop of rain had fallen on that day.

Regularly, Gauteng residents will confirm the fact that rain clouds are seen promisingly gathering in the skies. However, strong winds blow the rain (Rahmat) away. On this point, we would like to remind ourselves and all Muslims of the following Hadith which forbids one from cursing the wind. In our example, we should refrain from saying that the rain (Rahmat) has been driven away by the winds with any flavour or hint of anger or displeasure in our statements.

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Do not curse the wind for it is governed (by Allah to blow as He wishes). And whoever curses something which is not deserving of it, then the curse returns upon him.”  (Tirmizi)

As Muslims, we should look at things around us with the spectacles of Imaan, Islaam, Taqwa, Sunnah and the examples of our respectable seniors of our Deen.

As Muslims, we have the solutions to the problems and difficulties around us available from Deen. In regard to the scarcity of rain, Islaam has given us the solutions we as an Ummah have to do to attract the Rahmat (mercy) of Allah Ta’ala.

Remember, rain is termed as Rahmat as mentioned above. To attract this Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala, we need to align ourselves with Deen. Never will Rahmat descend upon us if we are openly, happily and enthusiastically planning or are involved in sins.

Regarding this, we will briefly mention few points which we could take special note of in this current time of scarcity of rain in order to attract the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala, Insha Allah.

Not paying Zakaat – A huge factor for withholding the rains!  

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) forewarned a group from the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) of a time to come in which there will be people (of the Ummah) who will do five things, as a result, they will taste the consequences of these actions. Among the five things mentioned in the Hadith, the following sentence is stated:

وَلَمْ يَمْنَعُوا زَكَاةَ أَمْوَالِهِمْ إِلاَّ مُنِعُوا الْقَطْرَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ

“And they do not discharge the Zakaat of their wealth except that rain from the sky is withheld (from falling upon them).” (Ibn Maajah)

Many Muslims regard Zakaat as a burden and a tax. Some Muslims also adopt subtle ways in order for them not to pay their Zakaat. Leaving alone technicalities of permissibility or impermissibility, the ideal is that one should discharge his / her Zakaat upon the passing of a year.

Thus, when rains are withheld, the Ummah is encouraged to see if their Zakaat is up-to-date. Another point to note when seeing the aspect of one’s Zakaat if given to any organisation is that the organisation should be reliable and trustworthy. Many of these organisations DO NOT discharge one’s Zakaat as per the Laws of Shari’at! Thus, the worthy recipients do not receive Zakaat!

Istighfaar – It attracts the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala!

In Surah Nooh, Allah Ta’ala beautifully explains the power of Istighfaar. Allah Ta’ala quotes the advice of Nabi Nooh (Alaihis salaam) in the following Aayaat,

“Then I (Nabi Nooh Alaihis salaam) said, ‘Seek forgiveness from your Rabb (i.e. make Istighfaar), indeed, He (Allah) is most Forgiving. (Then) He will send down upon you rain in torrents.” (Surah Nooh, Aayat 10, 11)

We learn from the above that Istighfaar attracts the Rahmat (rain) of Allah Ta’ala. We should increase in Istighfaar daily. While Istighfaar is something which attracts the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala, in order to see its benefit, we should incumbently abstain from sins. Otherwise, Istighfaar on the one hand and continues sinning on the other do not blend together.

We had written in the past few common sins we as an Ummah are generally involved in. In short, the following sins should be abandoned as the Law of the Shari’at terms them as Haraam: TV, airing and listening to the female voices on radios, animated photography, music, watching videos on You-Tube and other channels, following and supporting sports, etc.

The following points are written to remind ourselves and the Ummah to ensure that we abide by them. Senseless we increase in Istighfaar but are poor in regard to our Deeni progress, etc.

Salaah with Jamaat and Takbeer-e-Ula for men!

Justice can’t be done in order to emphasise the importance of Salaah with Jamaat with Takbeer-e-Ula for the men. We will suffice with saying that it is mentioned in Beshti Zewar that any Baaligh male who does NOT read his Salaat with Jamaat, his testimony is NOT accepted in the Shari’at!

In Ihyaa-ul-Uloom of Imaam Ghazaali (Rahmatullahi alaih), it is stated that in times before, our pious predecessors would boycott those who missed their Salaat with Jamaat for 7 days.

Missing Rakaats, missing Takbeer-e-Ula or over-sleeping Fajr – a ‘cancer’ of the men of the Ummah!

If our excuse of not making it to the Masjid for Fajr Jamaat is, “I couldn’t wake up”, then Deen has a solution to that as well. When Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha) was asked about Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s habit of Ibaadat at home during the nights, she replied:

كَانَ يَنَامُ أَوَّلَهُ وَيَقُومُ آخِرَهُ فَيُصَلِّي

“He used to sleep in the first portion of the night (i.e. sleep early), and wake up in the last portion and perform Salaah (Tahajjud, etc.)” (Bukhari)

Are we doing the opposite? Are we awake and ‘online’ on our social platforms in the first part of the night and end up sleeping late – many times close to midnight or even pass midnight – thereby having difficulties to wake up for Fajr Jamaat with Takbeer-e-Ula, LEAVE ALONE WAKING UP FOR TAHAJJUD!!??

Sometimes, whole families sleep through Fajr Salaah. Only the heat of the sunshine wakes them up in the morning. But for work, shop, school and other similar Dunya motives no one dares to sleep through. But over-sleeping Fajr – a Fardh Ibaadat – will NOT ruffle the feathers of anyone of the family!

Sometimes, the father makes it for Fajr Jamaat, but his Baaligh (mature – accounted for their actions in the Shari’at) children are over-sleeping Fajr. The father should create an environment of Fajr in his house by waking his Baaligh children up for Fajr. The daughters should perform Fajr Salaah on its time in their rooms while the sons be present for Jamaat in the (empty) Masjid Fajr time!

To make it worse, sometimes the son/s are even becoming Huffaz, but are ABSENT from Fajr Jamaat in the Masjid on the day/s there is no Hifz class (after Fajr). This is a total mockery of every page of Hifz the boys have done!!!

Remember, it is NOT Fardh to become a Haafiz or an Aalim, and Allah Ta’ala will NOT question one as to why he did not become a Haafiz or Moulana. But, one will be taken to task regarding Fajr with Jamaat in the Masjid!

Then, the importance of Takbeer-e-Ula should be remembered. However, for the sake of brevity of this article, we will suffice by referring those interested to the article on this topic issued by Jamiatul-Ulama Northern Cape. Their article is available on their website. Those who wish, may write to us to receive it from us as a PDF copy.

Abstaining From Wastage – Naa-Shukri Of The Ni’mats Deprives Us Of The Ni’mats!

In Surah Bani Israaeel, Allah Ta’ala describes those who waste as ‘the brothers of Shaitaan’. When one wastes any Ni’mat (bounty) of Allah Ta’ala – even if it be a drop of water thrown down the drain – Allah Ta’ala may take away that Ni’mat!

Since the topic of this article is rain, let us see in our lives how many litres of water we waste. Many a times, a tiny sip of tea or water is left in the cup or glass only to be thrown down the drain! This is wastage and Naa-Shukri (ungratefulness).

Then, generally, look at the amount of wastage of the Ni’mats of Allah Ta’ala that take place at mass-Da’wats – tea-parties, Mehndi-nights, high-tea venues, bridal showers, baby showers, house warmings, Sarbets (engagements), family re-unions, Walimahs, Jalsahs and all similar feasts of gluttony. We are not even touching on the topic of the above feasts being permissible or not Islamically. Insha Allah, at some other time we will do so if Allah Ta’ala allows us.

At most of such mass-Da’wats, abundance of foods, rich/creamy cakes, rich/creamy desserts, and other fancy food items which have extremely fancy glittering, trimmings and decorations that simple-minded people don’t even know if all the toppings are edible or not, are simply wasted by eaten or bitten only once!

There are too many other topics to touch on regarding our attitude of Naa-Shukri (ungratefulness) and Israaf (wastage). Insha Allah, we have hope in Allah Ta’ala that He allows for us to write on them in the near future Aameen.

In conclusion, we should understand that the deeds of the Ummah have an effect on our surroundings. And in the current situation of scarcity of rain, we have to – as an Ummah – come on deeds which are Halaal and permissible so that the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala be attracted and rain (Rahmat) be showered upon us.

We ask Allah Ta’ala to grant each one of us the Hidaayat that the men perform ALL their Salaahs with Jamaat, Takbeer-e-Ula and in the Masjid while the women ensure their Salaahs are performed on time in their homes. May Allah also grant us Hidaayat to abstain from acts of Bid’ah, sins and similar acts which earn the Wrath and Anger of Allah Ta’ala, Aameen.

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