What Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said about the Sahaabah VS What the Shi’ahs say about the Sahaabah
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “The best of generations is the one in which I was sent, then that which follows, then that which follows.” (Bukhari) “Do not curse my Sahabah, for by Him Who controls my life, if any of you were to spend the weight of Mount Uhud in gold, it still would not equal a mudd (approximately 800 grams) of one of them nor even one-half of it.” (Muslim) “Allah selected my Sahabah over everyone else save the Ambiya’ and Rusul.” (Majma’uz-Zawaa’id) And the famous Hadith, which is sounded out from the top of the Mimbars every Jumu’ah in the Masaajid: “Fear Allah! Fear Allah, with regards to my Sahabah! Do not make them the target (of your criticism and abuse) after me. He who loves them, loves them because he loves me, and he who hates them, hates them because he hates me. He who harms them has indeed harmed me, and he who harms me it is as if he has attempted to harm Allah, and he who attempts to harm Allah will soon be taken to task by Him.”
The Shi’ah scholar, Murtaza Mutahhiri, said: “…the fundamentals of Islam were violated at the hands of these people (referring to Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and other great Sahaabah Radhiyallahu anhum-Custodians of the Haq) who had served Islam for a long time…”
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