The ‘Spin Doctor’ Of Fordsburg Jamiat

By: Haqqseeker

[Kindly note, we (Custodians of the Haq) are reposting this article by Haqqseeker VERBATIM.]


An audio of Ebrahim Bham has been circulating and due to our interactions with Bham we felt a pressing need to cast off the deceptive veneer.

We recall a similar situation with Bham a few years back when every single aalim spoke out against him conducting a mixed haraam March and due to the desire of maintaining his public image he released a statement speaking about how the ulama are against boycotts and giving proofs for boycotts CONVENIENTLY ignoring the actual objection of the ulama.

It was there as well that he chose to focus on the apparent and lose focus on the system behind everything. This hollowness is a sign of hypocrisy. The reacting to all situations as kuffar has stemmed from his perception being restricted to the world and its systems, he does not adopt means, he adopts any and every means for his ends and this is part of the reason for the downfall of jamiat and why they can never be trusted as scholars of Haqq.

We shall now get down to the response by quoting him and exposing the reality bit by bit.

///He begins by stating that those that are calling for the masaajid of Allah to open are making a big fuss for a single jumuah.//

He fails to realize that every aspect of Deen is important, to downplay any aspect of Deen or law negates the Iman. A single Jumuah means everything to a true believer.

Secondly the only ones that made it a big fuss was Jamiat and their cronies who could have kept quiet and let things run its course for that one Jumuah instead of jumping to counter the Letter sent by the respected advocate. The matter would have died down or opened for the few masaajid that had requested. The Ummah would not have been divided if the Jamiat
lauded these courageous Mumineen who wish to LEGALLY perform their salah in the musjid.

He then continues
///What is the use of putting oneself in the spotlight that Muslims want exemption” //

What he fails to understand is that Allah Ta’ala is in control of the hearts of the rulers, this is why he makes so many mistakes and follows the path of Bani Israaeel in compromising every single part of Deen to appease the government.

Secondly he fails to grasp the fact that as a Muslim who is living in a state that has, under compulsion caused the Masaajid to be closed it is neccesary to do what is in one’s capasity legally to open up the Masaajid as closing the Masaajid or restricting it to the Imaam which is as good as closing it for the rest, goes directly against the Quranic prohibition.

Yes if forced, we have to close it.. I reiterate, however a Muslim is obliged to do everything legal in his capacity to lead to its reopening.

As a scholar mentioned quite aptly “tomorrow if the government calls to cremate the dead, Bham will be the first one running with the wood”

Just as it is obligatory to do what one can to prevent the law that contravenes shariah, so too with this, regardless of whether it brings attention or not.

The taxis and even the cigarette smokers sought concession from the government, unfortunately for Bham Deen is cheaper than a cigarette thus he keeps selling the deen to appease his government masters.

///He then quotes Nizzammudeen and other places as examples and how Muslims are blamed //

This is a smokescreen, those places were not obliged to open under direct command of Allah, the Masaajid cannot be equated to these places. They could have closed without contravening any Deeni injunction.

Once again he fails to see beyond the apparent, Muslims are being blamed across the world and shall continue to be blamed unless we rectify our A’maal and make Allah Ta’ala a priority.

In fact it is people with the mindset of Bham that has lead to this as the Ahadith itself diagnoses. Bham however, never ever pays attention to the hand of Allah in affairs and this is a huge sign of his hypocritical nature. As an Aalim and inheritor to the Ambiya ( علیهم السلام) it does not befit one to speak of the apparent when the entire world is already going in that

He will keep compromising Deen to appease them and as per the Quran will sell his entire deen for their pleasure
“And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance.” If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.”(Quran 2:120)

Allah mentions the direct consequence of trying to please them and not regarding Allah as the ultimate helper being that they will eventually turn against Islam and Muslims anyway and Allah will not assist.

People like Bham and his organisation will lead to the massacre of Muslims in this country in time to come as the Divine punishment will be harnessed with this materialistic and shortsighted outlook

///He keeps saying he can’t understand the whole situation //

This is also a play of innocence he is fully understanding, he conveniently has forgotten how he called for closing the Masaajid and its restriction long before even the government which itself exposes the core of his belief or rather his lack of true Imaan.

At that time permissible precaution could be taken under the scope of law, yet he went one step further as he is doing now to say the government should clamp down harder.

All this while knowingly castigating the Shariah based on a possibility of getting a virus which does not hold any weight in shariah at all.

//he says only Allah knows what is going to happen //

All of a sudden he plays as if he believes only Allah Ta’ala knows and controls. Why does he not apply the same to the virus that only Allah knows who it will affect and only Allah Ta’ala is in control?

//Why not leave the matter to Allah Ta’ala ? Why take legal action to prevent the masaajid opening? //

This shows it was a statement made to dupe and deceive, nothing more.

//He speaks about obeying the lockdown //

There was nothing against the obedience of the lockdown in making an appeal, as so many others have done so. He should have left the decision to the authorities and not jumped the gun.

//He speaks about flattening the curve //

Once again as an Aalim he can’t seem to understand that we can apply permissible means to flatten the curve and that too, to take on permissible means with the understanding that only Allah Ta’ala can prevent one from the disease. Putting total reliance on means is a form of Shirk.

Our yardstick for what is permissible is the Sahabah( رضي الله تعالى عنهم أجمعین ) what was their reaction? What did Hadhrat Muaaz ( رضي الله تعالى عنه ) say regarding it? Is it ever conceivable that they would fight to close the musjid???

//He then mentions the major Muftis of the country supporting this //

A blatant lie that he slips into his speech of deception, all the senior Muftiyaan who are most learned in Shariah law and experts in the field of Tasawwuf and the inner realities of Deen and all the major Madaaris are against this and know very well that there is no scope for what he is doing now and all his other Haraam activities.

//He then speaks about how he is not a Munaafiq and how he wants Masaajid open //

Then why did he advocate for the closure of the Masaajid 5 days before government direction?

Then why is he stopping people with an alternate voice from asking for a concession to open the Masaajid under their watch?

Says the one who’s actions betray his words The Quran warns us of the traits of the Munaafiqeen in the Quran so we do not fall for these flowery claims “And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents.” (Quran 2:204)

Subhanallah how apt and fitting is the word of Allah. Despite his claims and words which please those of the world he is the fiercest rival of the Masaajid being open. Allah’s word is Haqq the traits of the Munaafiqeen shall never change.

Thereafter in the verse coming immediately after, Allah Ta’ala alerts the Mumineen to those who are poles apart from the Munaafiqeen “And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of Allah. And Allah is kind to [His] servants.” (2:207)

They are those who place Allah’s Deen over even their own lives and his pleasure first and foremost above any creation or fear. These 2 groups and camps will always exist as the Qur’an Shareef alludes to with these
Aayaat .(one can check Bayan ul Quran for the entire explanation)

We should ask ourselves which group we wish to be resurrected in??
Continuously recite the Duaa of Hadhrat Umar ( رضي الله تعالى عنه)

Al-Buhuti reported: Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “O Allah, show me the truth as truth and guide me to follow it. Show me the false as false and guide me to avoid it.”
Source: Sharh ̣ al-Muntahá al-Irādāt 3/497

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