The Statement Of The Turk Was One Reason Of Change

The grandson of the renowned saint, Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah), explains that at one time in his life, his grandfather owned three hundred villages. However, when he passed away, he did not even own sufficient cloth with which he could be enshrouded, as he had sent everything ahead (to the Hereafter by spending it in sadaqah).

He thereafter related the following incident which became one of the catalysts for this major change in his life:

In his youth, Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) had travelled to the land of the Turks for the purpose of trade. The people of that area happened to be idol worshippers. During his visit, Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) met their priest who had shaved his head and beard, and was wearing clothing that was purple in colour. Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) addressed him saying, “This (religion) which you are following is false, since you, your idols and the entire creation have been created by a Creator and a Maker Who is such that there is absolutely nothing like Him. This world and the next belong to Him alone. He has complete power and control over everything, and He sustains and provides for everything.”

Hearing this, one of the attendants of the priest addressed Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) saying, “Your (own) action (and behaviour) does not attest to what you are saying!” When Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) asked what he meant, the attendant replied, “You claim that you have a creator and sustainer who has power over everything, yet you put yourself through the difficulty of travelling (all the way) here to earn a livelihood! If what you said was true, then the Being who provides for you here, will provide for you there (i.e. where you live) and you would not need to undertake any difficulty.”

This served as an ‘eye opener’ for Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah). Hence, he mentioned, “The statement of the Turk was (one of) the reason(s) for me (changing my life and) treading the path of asceticism.”

Thus, after returning to his homeland, Shaqeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah) gave all his wealth in sadaqah and thereafter commenced his journey of acquiring the knowledge of Deen.

(Hilyatul Awliyaa vol. 6, pg. 297)