16 Muharram 1443 / 25 August 2021
Taliban’s Victory – No To Photography!
“The severest Punishment will be meted out to the picture makers.” (Hadith – Bukhari Shareef)
As the Taliban and the Muslims celebrate their victory, there seems to be various videos and pictures circulated among social media, news, and other sources of the Taliban. Whether Taliban willingly allows their photos and videos to be taken or not, whether they are aware of their photos and videos been taken or not, and whether they agree or not regarding animate pictography to be HARAAM, the 1400-year-old Shari’ah of Allah Ta’ala regards ALL animate pictography as HARAAM.
No army, Darul-Uloom, Jamiat, Mufti, Moulana or any ‘Duktoor’ can change this Fatwa of the Shari’ah. Even technology can’t change this Fatwa! Whether iTV – on which so-called scholars appear – is justified under the pretext of ‘digital’, etc. it does not change the 1400-year-old Fatwa of impermissibility. Alhamdulillah, this is given further weight by major Darul-Ulooms in SA who consider modern-day photos and videos as Haraam. Even the Akaabireen of recent times – some of whom were the Ustaads of the very same scholars who today promote, justify and appear on TV – who had seen the ‘modern-day’ or ‘digital’ photography, had still considered such to be HARAAM.
The above Hadith Shareef together with the following points should be remembered in this issue regarding the Taliban and their photos/videos:
- ALL animated photography is HARAAM as per the Hadith Shareef, Fuqahaa’ and our hundreds of honourable Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa. Truly, our South African Deeni soil is fertile in the sense of us having hundreds of Ulama-e-Haq to refer to. Thus, it is illogical to go abroad to import a ‘Fatwa’ of permissibility for photography!
- The major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa agree with the Fatwa of animate photography and videos to be HARAAM.
- Remember, the Darul-Ulooms cater for hundreds of students, have seen thousands of students graduating, have very senior Ulama, have expert and qualified Ustaads consisting of Moulanas, Muftis and Shaikhul-Hadith.
- Many of the Ustaads of the Darul-Ulooms have been teaching for decades. Indeed, their Mutaala’ah (research and study of Kitaabs) is deep and thorough!
- Keeping all these and many other points in mind regarding the Darul-Ulooms, almost all the major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa have branded animate photography/videos/TV as HARAAM.
- Even good people are involved in viewing and sharing these pictures and videos of the Taliban. If they are not involved, their children appear to be involved in this sin. All this is sad and lamentable.
- There is no need or ‘Zaroorah’ – as is commonly dubbed by pro-TV, You-Tube, picture and video scholars – in sharing or viewing the pictures and videos of the Taliban.
- As reported to us by a Moulana, Shaitaan has now used his very own tool – viz. pictography – to ‘blacken’ the Taliban’s name in the eyes of the unwary world (non-Muslims and modernist Muslims) by circulating (fake) videos of brutality and oppression and saying this is what the Taliban is doing.
- If the above is true, then by downloading, viewing and sharing such (fake) videos will involve one in many other sins as well, apart from the sin of animate photos and videos.
- The only way to celebrate victory is the way which doesn’t trespass the Limits of the Shari’ah. Any other way which trespasses the Limits of the Shari’ah should be discarded immediately.
- Whilst the Taliban have succeeded in turning their country into the graveyard of their enemies who are in actual fact the enemies of every true Mu’min, we should make Du’a for the Taliban that they keep their intentions pure and remain strong.
- We should make the following Du’as, among other Du’as:
- That the Taliban upholds the Shari’ah and gives the Shari’ah preference over everything else, in all their affairs and at all times.
- That the Taliban do not fall into the trap of Shaitaan by diverting and losing their focus by the massive amounts of spoils the Taliban has accrued in weapons, choppers, money, etc.
- That the Taliban keep the flag of the Ahlus-Sunnah flying high and be firm against the abusers, insulters, haters and swearers of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), i.e. the Kuffaar Shi’as.
- If there may be any influence of the Kuffaar, or any similar ‘behind the scenes’ motives of the Kuffaar in the recent happenings in Afghanistan – as some have opined – may it all be fake or fail.
- Reports have been made that the Taliban has banned the covid money-making poison called ‘vaccine’. We welcome this and make Du’a that this be the start to the end of this Satanic trick dubbed as covid and its illegitimate children, i.e. the vaccines.
We should also make sincere Du’a to Allah Ta’ala that the Taliban remains an Army of True Mujaahideen who will always Fight for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala while maintaining ALL the Laws of the Shari’ah intact, fearing no one but Allah Rabbul Izzat and currying favour with NO government, country, etc., Aameen.
(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Talibans-victory-pictography.pdf)
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