The Tremor – A Mild Divine Warning

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Today (1 March 2019), reports have been reported of a tremor in the early part of the morning in some parts of South Africa.

While the Kuffaar turn this serious issue into a joke, Muslims are supposed to take the tremor as a ‘Mild Divine Warning’. It is least expected from Muslims to joke about this. Rather, a Muslim will react by taking stock of his/her deeds and dealings and do immediate changes where necessary.

Yes, a warning has to be taken. A warning of changing our lives. A warning to wake up from our sleep. A warning to stop our disobedience we show to our Allah.

Let us all make a resolute intention to make the immediate changes which many Muslims are caught up in:

1. TV – TV is Haraam. Let us stop watching TV before a severer ‘Divine Warning’ needs to be sounded!

2. Music – Many are in love with music by listening to music. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, “Music grows hypocrisy in the heart just as water grows crops.” (Mishkaat)

3. Un-Islamic Dressing – Jeans, tops, tight fitting clothing, hilarious hair-cuts, styles and colours of boys and loose and open hair of Muslim women has to stop before a severer ‘Divine Warning’ needs to be sounded!

4. Pictography – All forms of animated pictures/videos are Haraam whether they appear on someone’s WhatsApp status or Instagram page. Posing for selfies, hanging animated picture frames and other similar doings are Haraam and deprives one from Barakat in one’s home, family and wealth.

These are just a few sins many of us are involved in.

A Muslim will take the ‘Minor Divine Warning’ such as a tremor, extremely seriously and take immediate stock of his/her life in order to change.

Insha Allah, in a future article, we will explain this topic further.


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