The Ulama-e-Haq condemns the stance of Middelburg so-called UUCSA regarding the Kufr MMB Bill

It is indeed sad to note that ‘Ulama’ who studied Deeni Knowledge appear to be ‘unhappy’ with the Divine Laws set out by the Shari’at that they support a non-Muslim court, government and judge to rule in our Deeni affairs such as Nikaah, Talaaq, custody etc.

These can never be true Ulama who have benefitted by their Deeni knowledge.


Instead of becoming guiding stars for the Ummah, these type of Ulama are rather the bulldozers of the Sacred Laws of the Deen.

Our plea to the Ummah is that every effort should be made not to discuss Deeni affairs with such so-called ‘Ulama’ -scholars who want Kaafir judges to issue secular Kufr law ‘fatwas’ in matters of Talaaq, maintenance, etc.

They are showing us their true colours indirectly. (Allah Ta’ala displays His Infinite Mercy when He exposes the Ulama of evil intent so that we may not claim on the Day of Qiyaamah that we weren’t aware of those plotting against Allah’s Deen. It is our choice; do we accept Allah Ta’ala’s Mercy or not?)

They intend to hand-over our Shari’at to non-Muslims and Kuffaar courts.

And they intend to silence the Ulama of the Haq who proclaim the Haq which is extremely bitter for such Ulama.

‘UUCSA’ of Middelburg with all its members should hang their heads in shame for supporting the Kufr MMB Bill!

Whilst JamiatKZN is against the MMB BILL, why is JamiatKZN part of a bogus Uucsa?

UUCSA means United Ulama Council, but they are disunited. So this Middelburg so-called UUCSA is misleading the Ummah even with its name. It endeavours to create the impression that it is United, but intelligent people are not fooled!

This is an era in which evil Ulama with westernised brains are on an increase.

Therefore, we wish to warn the Ummah of such Ulama who:

1. Appear on TV.

2. Legalize photography.

3. Attend Marriage conferences and other similar Haraam events.

4. Pose for photos and whose videos are on the internet.

5. Support Kufr Bills such as the MMB Bill.

6. Come on so-called ‘Islamic’ Radios and Haraam TV channels.

7. Do not give real care regarding Halaal Haraam meat.

8. Appear on YouTube and Facebook.

May Allah Ta’ala save the Ummah from such evil Ulama who are out there to destroy His Deen, Aameen.


1. Custodians of the Haq



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