Some ahadith pertaining to the virtues of Baitullah and related matters will be narrated here so that the importance of Hajj settle in the heart, thereby generating enthusiasm and yearning for Hajj.
* Gazing at the Baitullah is also ibadat as well as a means of
protection against nifaq (hypocrisy).
* Those who make tawaaf of the Baitullah are like those who make tawaaf of the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala. From the hadith which mentions this, we can gauge the immense importance and excellence of tawaaf. Those who make tawaaf of Baitullah have been compared with those Malaaikah who are making tawaaf of the Arsh.
* He who performs two raka’ts Salaat at the Baitullah, emerges from sin as pure as he was on the day he was born.
* He who enters the Baitullah attains safety from punishment.
* He who sits for while in the Baitullah intending thereby to obtain thawab with ikhlas and Iman, or gives charity while in the Baitullah, is forgiven all his sins. On the Day of Qiyamah he will rise without fear.
* He who kisses Hajrul Aswad is purified of sin and becomes pure like the day he was born.
* Hajrul Aswad is like the Hand of Allah Ta’ala on earth. By means of it Allah makes musaafahah (shakes hands) with whomever He pleases.
* All sins of the one who performs two raka’ts at Maqame Ibraheem are forgiven.
* He who performs two raka’ts below Mizabe Rahmat is purified of all sin and emerges as pure as he was the day he was born.
* The place between Maqame Ibraheem and Multazam is most loved (by Allah Ta’ala. Therefore, the one who is present there will also be most loved). Every virtuous act rendered in Makkah Mukarramah is multiplied a hundred thousand times.
* On the Day of Qiyamat, Hajrul Aswad and Maqame Ibraheem will each appear as Jabal Abi Qais. Each one will have two eyes, two tongues and a pair of lips. Both will bear evidence on behalf of those who had met them. By this is meant that those who had visited them at Makkah Mukarramah will be blessed with the fortune of their intercession which will be made for forgiveness and salvation.
* According to Hadhrat Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu), Hajrul Aswad and Maqame Ibraheem are two yaqoot (precious stones) from Jannat. If Allah Ta’ala had not removed their celestial glitter (noor), the entire universe would have been lit up with their glow.
* On the surface of the earth is no city besides Makkah Mukarramah in which there is the drink of the Abraar and the place of worship of the Akhyaar. (The Abraar and Akhyaar are two classes of Auliya, the identities of whom are concealed). When Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbess (radhiyallahu anhu) was asked about this, he said that the musalla of the Akhyar is below Mizabe Rahmat and the drink of the Abraar is the water of Zam
* To look inside the Well of Zam Zam is also an act of ibaadat.
* About Jabal Abu Qais, the hadith says that the first mountain to be created on earth was this mountain. Its excellence and rank are thus well-established. In the same way, the lands of Makkah Mukarramah enjoy priority and superiority over all other lands since these lands of Makkah Mukarramah were created first.
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