The ‘World Ijtima’

Question: The World Ijtima is to be held soon in South Africa, at a prominent venue in Natal. Should we attend since there is so much of talk and discussion among the Ulama regarding the personality who represents or runs this group of the Tabligh Jamaat. Also, a Mufti has encouraged ALL MEN to attend this Ijtima. Kindly comment. Jazakallah

Answer: At the outset, we fully subscribe to the Naseehat of our pious and senior Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa who have discussed in detail the personality who represents this group of the Tabligh Jamaat. Kindly refer to their letter titled DECLARATION BY CONCERNED ULAMA.

In this case, following the senior Ulama’s concern and Naseehat will be the safest and best.

Since the senior, experienced and pious Ulama-e-Haq have offered reasons discussing Molvi Sa’d’s deviation, staying away from an Ijtima staged under his group and wherein he himself would/could be present, will be the best and safest.

Since we have our senior, pious and experienced Ulama-e-Haq cautioning us regarding Molvi Sa’d’s deviation, etc. there remains no need to import anything from an overseas Mufti, be he from Pakistan or India. We will suffice with the Naseehat of our South African Ulama-e-Haq in this regard.