Trust In Allah And Zunnun Misri

Someone asked Hazrat Zunnun Misri (Rahmatullahi alaih) to explain what had caused his reformation.

He said: “Once I was on a journey through the desert. I halted at a place for resting. I saw on the tree above a blind bird. Suddenly it dropped to the ground and with its beak pecked the ground. Out of the ground there emerged miraculously two small containers. The one with seeds was of silver, and the other one with water was of gold. The bird ate of the seeds, then drank of the water. Thereafter, it returned to its nest and the containers disappeared.”

In this miraculous way Allah Ta’ala provided the Rizq of the bird.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “If you have Tawakkul (trust) on Allah as you should have, He will feed you like he feeds the birds. In the morning they leave their nests hungry, and by the evening they return fully satiated.” (Ibn Maajah)

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