Cinema Style Nurul-Islam Masjid – A Stepping Stone In Turning The Masaajid Into Future Cinema Setups – BEWARE!
Allah Ta’ala says in His Beautiful Kalaam, “And indeed, the Masaajid belong to Allah…” (Surah Jinn, 18)
On the 14th of September 2024, Nurul-Islam Masjid was transformed into a weird setup resembling that of a cinema. Alhamdulillah, the Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa had spoken out against this evil, Haraam and devilish transformation of Allah’s House into a cinema setup. We should be grateful for this Bounty of having Ulama-e-Haq in SA.
The crowd controlling Nurul-Islam Masjid is that associated to JUSA, UUCSA, Radio ‘Islam’ and other deviant entities who outwardly carry an ‘Islamic’ name, however their attempt is to portray and propagate a watered down Islam. And this cinema-Haraam Masjid entertainment was another attempt of portraying a watered down version of Islam.
Their entertaining of the Saudi Imaam, for which occasion they setup a big screen TV right inside the Masjid – next to the Mimbar, covering the Mihraab – has opened the doors for the future of our Masaajid to have weird cinema setups. With this evil action, all red tapes have been ripped. All red lines have been crossed. They have openly and daringly challenged every Hadith Shareef stating the Hurmat (prohibition) of picture-making by their setting up and bringing in HARAAM TV big screens inside the Masjid, showing Haraam animate objects, right inside Allah’s House.
Nurul-Islam Masjid has become a headquarter and a tool for the propagation of Baatil by the Ahl-e-Baatil, like JUSA, UUCSA, Radio ‘Islam’, to name a few. Let us take a quick look at the recent history of Baatil emerging from this Masjid:
- Seerah Jalsahs: Annually, the scholars (of Baatil and modernism) with modern ideologies and thinking attempt to water down Islam under the banner of a ‘Seerah Jalsah’. Girls are encouraged to go to universities; the stance of the Haq adopted by the Ulama-e-Haq is given a very ‘harsh’ outlook by these Seerah scholars’ talks in their Seerah Jalsah platform; etc., etc., etc. In short, the tool of ‘Seerah Jalsah’ is used to water down Islam!
- Video broadcasting: The talks given from the front on special occasions (we are not sure of general occasions) are videoed and streamed on video channels using social media, etc. This in itself is a dangerous terrain to tread. Using videos inside the Masjid is extremely Haraam. Thus, turning the Masjid into a cinema-setup is expected!
- Concealing the Haq: In their Bukhari Jalsah in December 2023, the guest Moulana who was invited to conduct the Dars had given them Naseehat regarding some of their Haraam activities they indulge in. This Naseehat was offered in Urdu due to the Moulana being Urdu speaking. However, JUSA’s secretary who was giving the English translation turned a deaf ear to the Naseehat and abstained from translating it into English. He is guilty of Kitmaanul-Haq – concealing the Haq. Thus, Naseehat offered right from their platform is ignored. This shows how stubborn they are on their Baatil and agenda of watering down Islam. How then can any sane Haq-seeking Muslim trust their activities to conform to the Haq if they are stubborn on Baatil despite being offered Naseehat from their own Mimbar?
- Play & amusement: Playful teams with ‘Deeni’ names had used the premises of Nurul-Islam for their games and futility. Ladies attend shopping markets on the premises of this Masjid. All this amusement and play/fun is endorsed by the controllers of the Masjid.
- Ulama-e-Haq: We have noticed recently that hardly do any of the Ulama-e-Haq step in this Masjid for the sole purpose of delivering Naseehat. Thus, the Masjid has been left at the ‘mercy’ of its people in charge, viz. the Ahl-e-Baatil. What Haq will spread from an abode of Baatil? After all, the Masjid has become close to or on par to a Masjid-e-Dhiraar. While this is the rightful attitude of the Ulama-e-Haq, even sincere, sane and Haq-seeking Musallis have opted to attend Jamaat Salaah in other Masaajid despite them living in close range to this Masjid.
From the above five brief points, one understands that this Masjid has been used as an active tool for undoing and watering down the 1400-year-old Golden Shari’ah. Imagine, under the name of ‘Seerah’, a scholar of theirs while being video-streamed, cries! Cries, not for pleading the Ummah heading towards Jahannam due to the misdeeds to change their ways, involved in mass extravagance, indulgence in Haraam and vice, Haraam weddings, intermingling, Zina, etc. Nay! He cries and encourages with ‘tears in his eyes’ parents to pave the path to Jahannam smoothly and evenly to avoid any of their daughters falling, by encouraging Muslim daughters to go to universities – the brothels of Shaitaan! If just this point doesn’t raise your hair, or at least, assures you of the deviation peddled from this Masjid, then what will make you realise this dangerous fact? May Allah Ta’ala grant one and all the Hidaayat to see through the spectacles of the Haq, Aameen.
Thus, the safest is to stay far, very, very far from this Masjid which has become the headquarters of Baatil, unfortunately. While Muslims are encouraged to attend Masaajid, unfortunately, some Masaajid have become the means of Baatil due to the Ahl-e-Baatil having their weight pushed around in those Houses of Allah. Whereas the aforementioned Aayat in the start of this article clearly states that the Masaajid belong to Allah Ta’ala. It also means that the Laws, Constitution and Ahkaam of Allah Ta’ala should be upheld in the Masaajid – the Original Deen of Allah Ta’ala should be propagated from the Masaajid. just like how during the SCAM-demic dubbed as covid-19, certain Mutawallis, Imaams, scholars and organisations of supposedly ‘Ulama’ were in the fore to enforce atheist-made Dajjaali protocols inside the Masjid, due to which such Masaajid became the ‘no go to’ venue, so too are certain Masaajid of current times a ‘no go area’ due to the Baatil, Dhalaal and watering down of the Shari’ah being the call from the platforms of such Masaajid.
All participants at the cinema-style setting at Nurul-Islam Masjid – Ulama and non-Ulama – who are concerned of the Haq, should make Taubah for this terrible blunder of attending a cinema-style Masjid setup. After all, there are narrations in which Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has been recorded to have said that the one who increases the number of a group, is regarded to be part of that group.
After all, Nurul-Islam Masjid is a JUSA-controlled Masjid. And JUSA is hell-bent on watering down the Original Islam! Their annual Seerah Jalsahs take place at this Masjid. They use the name ‘Seerah’ to present a watered down version of Islam – ultimately, this is their objective! They carefully select only those points from the Seerah that will aid them in this Dajjaali objective of theirs. Conveniently, they cast a blind eye to those points from the Seerah that goes against them and their activities. Thus, a wholesale mis-representation is made of the Seerah, sadly, in the name of a ‘Seerah Jalsah’! What great Zulm is this not to the Noble Seerah of Nabi (Sallalalhu alaihi wasallam)!?
We have discussed the reasons why JUSA, Radio ‘Islam’, UUCSA, etc. are unreliable entities. Refer to our website, or write an e-mail requesting the articles to be forwarded to you.
Please view PDF to see the picture attached at the end of this article, showing how the Haraam big screen is put inside the Masjid.
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