TV Is Haraam – Keep It Simple!

6 Safar 1443 / 14 September 2021

TV Is HARAAM – Keep It Simple!

“The severest Punishment will be meted out to the picture makers.” (Hadith – Bukhari Shareef)

The following are simple and straightforward points regarding the impermissibility of TV – the same Dajjal’s poisonous and deceptive tool and organ of Najaasat which has been legalized by scholars and on which these scholars appear (modern-thinking, liberal and westernized scholars) who have sweet but dangerous tongues:

  1. It was the unanimous Fatwa and firm belief of the recent past Ulama – many of whom have passed on – who were running the Jamiats and other organisations in South Africa that TV is HARAAM.
  2. At the time of writing this, the present most senior Ulama of South Africa – some of whom are Principals of major Darul Ulooms, others are senior Ustaads of Hadith, Fiqh, etc. and others are working for years in the Tableegh (Jamaat), while others are Mashaaikh and have hundreds of Mureeds worldwide – are still unanimous on TV to be HARAAM.

As mentioned in the heading, let us keep things simple to understand. Therefore, we have the following simple points to consider for ALL those who have been perhaps misled into believing TV to be Halaal, or who have realized their folly in this regard. Some of these points are taken from the Bayaans delivered by senior Ulama-e-Haq who believe TV to be HARAAM:

  1. Is it permissible for a man to look at a strange woman? NO! Allah Ta’ala says, “Tell the believing men that they must lower their gazes (from looking at strange females)…” (Surah Noor, Aayat 30)
  2. Is it permissible for a woman to look at a strange man? NO! Allah Ta’ala says, “And tell the believing women that they must lower their gazes (from seeing strange men)…” (Surah Noor, Aayat 31)
  3. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Casting an eye is among the poisonous arrow of the arrows of Shaitaan…” (Tabarani) Thus, even if a woman may be in full Purdah, she may NOT look at a strange man from behind her face-veil – even if the male may be a garden worker!
  4. Then how is it permissible for a man to look at females appearing on TV?
  5. Then how is it permissible for a woman to look at males appearing on TV?
  6. Not only that, many of the people appearing on TV are not even dressed decently!
  7. Does a woman say, “Well, when men appear on the TV, I shall blind-fold myself”?No, we haven’t heard of this happening anywhere!
  8. Does a man say, “Well, when women appear on the TV, I shall blind-fold myself”? Neither did we hear of this happening anywhere!
  9. Hence, the sin of looking at the opposite gender is accumulated merely by watching TV. What about the tons of other sins and indecencies that appears on the TV?
  10. Keep things simple as mentioned above and know that TV IS HARAAM based on the fact that one will look at the opposite gender, no matter which ‘Molvi’ or ‘Mufti’ appears on it! A ‘Fatwa’ or the endorsement of ‘famous scholars’ doesn’t change the Shari’ah, nor the Aayaat on lowering the gazes.

While in the above points we had discussed only the major sin of looking at the opposite gender, what about the following sins which accompanies HARAAM TV programs:

  1. Music
  2. Liquor advertisements
  3. Zina and things leading to Zina
  4. Scenes of violence
  5. Vulgarity
  6. Adult content
  7. Admiring Kuffaar – enemies of Allah Ta’ala
  8. Viewing Kuffar’s places of worship, at times scenes are played from inside their churches
  9. Viewing Kuffaar worshipping, gods, idols and other items of Kufr and Shirk
  10. Being brainwashed and indoctrinated by subtle statements and themes promoting Kufr and Shirk which are against Islaam and our Aqeedah

There are much, much more sins involved in TV watching, but we will suffice with the above ten. Imagine, a tool which promotes and displays the above is the same tool on which scholars appear to ‘teach’ and ‘promote’ Deen?!

For those that say, “I only watch my sports”, this is also Haraam no matter what you are watching on TV. Even watching a so-called ‘Islamic’ TV channel is just as Haraam as watching a movie! The studios of ‘Islamic’ TVs are the places wherefrom Zina emanates in the sense that scholars whose actions show them having casted aside ALL the Laws of Hijaab and Aayaat and Ahaadith of Zina behind their backs by seating themselves shoulder-to-shoulder with strange women, live on an ‘Islamic’ TV channel! Is this Islamic?

Regarding sports, one should know that sports have become a god, a religion and now even an idol to many fans and fanatics. Much gambling, killing, vulgarity, nudity, etc. are associated with sports. How then can one – leave alone support Kuffaar sport stars – even watch such a detrimental craze to one’s Imaan?

May Allah Ta’ala grant EVERY Muslim the Hidaayat to get rid of TV from our homes and lives, Aameen. What a beautiful environment would it not be if an entire Muslim community discards TV totally?

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link:

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