TV Molvis


The TV speaks….

Yesterday, you used your Masjid pulpit against me and my actors,

Today I have taken over your pulpit and you are one of my characters!

You warned them all about my brain washing ways through light hearted fun,

But I stole your heart and today, by you, the brain washing gets done!

Yesterday, you said that I was Shaytan and the Video is my grand-dad,

Today, I say, “Give me a hug, you are truly my son, you take after me, my lad!!!!


Truly, it is a shame for Ulama to appear on TV which is also known as Dajjal’s eye. 

Any so-called ‘Moulana’ or even worse, ‘Mufti’, who appears on TV can never be a proper and true Aalim and a real heir of the Ambiyaa. He is rather a crook and criminal in Islaam, with a title of ‘Moulana’ or ‘Mufti’.

We advise every sane and sincere Muslim and Muslimah, who wishes to safeguard their Aakhirah, NOT to listen to those Ulama who appear on TV, nor should they let such Ulama handle the Deeni issues they may have. For indeed, if these modern type Ulama who appear on TV have the audacity to publicly commit major Haraam and sins, what guarantee do we have they will be true to the Shari’ah in the matters of individuals in their private Deeni affairs?

Therefore, contact or write to Ulama who are on Haq when seeking Masaa’il, Fataawa and advise, O Muslim or Muslimah who is concerned for his / her Aakhirah.

May Allah Ta’ala safe this Ummah from such Ulama who appear on TV, Aameen.

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