Two Fitnahs – Moulana Ilyaas (Rahimahullah)

The Two Major Fitnahs that were Foreseen by Hazrat Moulana Ilyaas (rahimahullah)

Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas (rahimahullah) once said:

My beloved friends! At present, there is still time for us to engage in the work of Da’wah and Tableegh in the world (without experiencing hurdles and facing any major challenges)! A time is soon to come in the world when we will be faced with two great fitnahs in regard to our deen.

The first fitnah which I fear will be the danger of kufr spreading in the world. This fitnah will be similar to the Shudhi movement (which took place in India and whose aim was to rob the Muslims of their imaan), and from the masses, those Muslims who lack deeni knowledge will fall prey to such a fitnah.

The second fitnah which I fear will be the danger of turning people away from Allah Ta‘ala and deen through the kuffaar propagating atheism and atheist beliefs. This fitnah will be spread by the Western governments and Western political systems (i.e. through the West taking over the media and educational systems and promoting sport and entertainment, interest and usury, extravagance and indecency, they will succeed in influencing people towards adopting their beliefs and ideologies, dressing and culture, and values and lifestyle).

Both of these fitnahs will be such that they will spread in the world like an overwhelming flood. Hence, whatever work we are able to do now, before the coming of such fitnahs, we should do it.

(Malfoozaat Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) pg. 59)