
6 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1442 / 23 October 2020

Unity Is Only On Allah’s Shari’at!

“Hold firmly onto the Rope of Allah, all of you together.” (Aal-Imraan, Aayat 103)

“Islam began (as something) strange, and will soon return to being strange. So, blessed are the strangers.” (Muslim Shareef)

The word unity is a loosely used word which the modernists and their ‘Ulama’ use a lot. Islamically, unity only fits under one heading and subject, i.e. unity in following the Shari’at. The modernists and their ‘leaders’ (scholars) whom they follow, harp on this word quite often. However, they use it to ‘justify’ their modernism, liberalism and even alienism. They also give the false impression that the Ulama-e-Haq and their followers are the ones causing disunity.

In Islam, the only unity which is the real and genuine unity, is the unity on Deen (Shari’at). This is what the above Aayat calls for. Holding firmly onto ‘Hablullaah’ (the Rope of Allah) refers to the Shari’at. Hence, unity in terms of the Qur’an means uniting in obeying and following the Shari’at. Any other call for unity is Baatil, redundant and void. No Muslim should accept any other call for unity that is alien-to-Deen.

Currently, certain scholars who opposed the Masjid opening court case in around April-May 2020 due to which they have been titled as ‘friends of the Kuffar and enemies of the Masaajid’ have strictly enforced the satanic social distancing in the Masaajid. Just by this action and by their sanctioning this, the Dajjali New World Order is enhanced and promoted in Muslim societies, communities and Masaajid.  

The enforcing of masks in the Masjids, social distancing and bringing of one’s own Musallahs are calls made by ‘Muslims’ which in actual fact causes disunity in the Ummah! Unfortunately, the Musallis who are opposing such weird un-Islamic measures in the HOUSES of Allah, are looked down at, whereas they are in actual fact the ones who are upholding the Sacred Shari’ah’s Divine Protocols – they are the ones ‘uniting’ in the theme of the Qur’an Majeed!

Shaitaan has for too long made the modernists consume Haraam chickens, drink Haraam soft drinks and deal in camouflaged interest bank-deals which are dubbed as ‘Islamic banking’ which are sanctioned by their modern-thinking and ‘broad-minded’ ‘Ulama’! Hence, Shaitaan has managed to fossilize the brains of these modern-thinking Muslims who are in actual fact indoctrinated by the west and their secularism. Now, the task is too simple and easy for Shaitaan to herd this group of modernists and liberals into his den!

The only unity that is praiseworthy is the unity that unites the Ummah on the Haq, upon the Sunnah and upon the correct Aqeedah. That is precisely why the Shi’as are Kuffar and we cannot unite with them by signing certain Accords such as the Cape (Kufr) Accord which calls for uniting Shi’as under the banner of Islam. No, never! They swear the Sahaabah and the pure and chaste wives of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), how then can we unite with them? This is totally against our Aqeedah, hence we cannot unite with them!

The social distancing that is enforced by Imaams, modern-thinking Trustees and certain ‘Islamic’ organisations should be viewed in the Light of the Sunnah. We find innumerable Islamic references advocating NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING!

  1. The Qur’an Majeed advocates NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs! (see Surah Saff)
  2. Dozens of Ahaadith and chapters in famous Hadith Kitaabs advocate NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs!
  3. No narration or episode is recorded wherein a single Sahaabi advocated distancing in the Saffs, despite them living through certain pandemics which were far greater and devastating, and far more genuine than the current one we are facing. Thus, every Sahaabi (Radhiyallahu anhu) supports NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs!
  4. All the Imaams of the Mazhabs such as Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi alaih) support NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs!
  5. All the pious, learned and senior Ulama of Deoband (Akaabireen) support NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs!
  6. Currently, the senior, righteous and Allah-fearing Ulama-e-Haq support NON-SOCIAL DISTANCING in the Saffs!

Compare the above to the following:

  1. Atheists who believe in no Allah, support and call for social distancing.
  2. The government that is embroiled in heavy corruption of billions of Rands, and is oppressing the citizens with silly lockdowns, call for and support social distancing!
  3. Muslim scholars who are known to be always rubbing shoulders and grovelling at the feet of the Kuffaar and corrupt leaders and who are always in the midst of modernists and liberals, comedians and clowns, priests and reverends, and amidst women, support and call for social distancing in the Masaajid.
  4. Imaams that are puppets of these ‘Ulama’ and their organisations, support and call for and enforce social distancing in their Masaajid!
  5. Trustees that wear jeans, T-shirts, deal with interest money of (so-called ‘Islamic’ or otherwise) banks, have modern-thinking brains, secular degrees and titles, who trim or shave their beards, etc. call for and enforce social distancing in their Masaajid!

Who then do you think are the ones that are causing disunity in the Ummah? Which group has a stronger Divine Support?

It is unfortunate that some Imaams are hopelessly at the ‘mercy’ of the non-Ulama (Jaahil) Trustees. They (the Imaams / Ulama) are fully aware of the Haq, yet they shove it under the rug to rot, and sanction the (mis-)doings of their Trustees or their ‘big sponsors’. Wallah! Allah’s Deen doesn’t need the money of sponsors! If they assume Allah needs their money, let them STOP contributing even a penny NOW, and see who or what is affected. Wallah! Anyone sponsoring even one cent in Allah’s Deen, only benefits himself! Allah’s Deen can flourish and run without the money of anyone. Let this be drummed into the heads of all!

Masaajid Whose Imaams, Trustees Or / And Musallis Who Are Calling For Un-Islamic Practices Are The Actual Ones Causing Disunity In The 1400 Year Old System Of The Shari’at! Never In 1400 Years Were The Masaajid Reduced Into Haunted Buildings Where Satanic Distancing Was Enforced! Un-Islamic Guidelines Causes Disunity In The Ummah! Those Ulama Who Rub Shoulders With Priests Have No Say In Islamic Matters!

(To read or (download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Unity-in-the-Masaajid.pdf)

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