Caution Regarding Zakaat And Donations!
(This message has been cirulated on certain social platforms)
It is the unanimous Fatwa of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah that the twelver Shia are Kaafir due to many reasons. The majority, if not all the Shia of today subscribe to the doctrine of Imamiyya, that is 12 individuals are infallible and hold higher positions than the Ambiya (Naoodhubillah). This Aqeedah is Kufr! They also commit Mut’ah which is filthy prostitution in the name of Islam. Shame be on them!
Some of the Fatawa of the Kufr of Shiasm can be found here:
Zakaah is an important pillar of Islam and should be discharged with extreme caution. Zakaah is only valid if given to a Muslim.
Shiasm is a separate religion from Islam, hence Zakaah will not be discharged if given to a Kaafir follower of Shiasm.
See the Fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband:
Answer ID: 16730
Posted on: Sep 1, 2020
Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim !
(Fatwa: 1994/1586/D=1430)
The Shias who have beliefs of kufr such as Hadhrat Jibrael (عليه السلام) mistook in delivering Wahi (نعوذ بالله) , which was sent to Hadhrat Ali (رضي الله تعالى عنه) . Or all the Sahaba after the death of holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) turned apostate except a few, العياذ بالله Or that Hadhrat Ayisha (رضي الله تعالى عنها) committed adultery or they consider their Imams as infallible etc. Those who hold such beliefs are Kafir and apostate. It is not lawful to give them Zakah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband, India
The following organisations refuse to openly declare their disassociation from Shiasm. Until and unless they declare their disassociation from Shiasm and state the Kufr status of Shiasm, Zakaah shouldn’t be given to these organisations to discharge on our behalf. If they don’t consider Shiasm Kufr, our Zakaah is in jeopardy. Exercise extreme caution!
-Media Review Network MRN
-Awqaf SA
-Muslim Views
-ITV Networks
-Radio Islam International
-Jamiatul Ulama Fordsburg
These organisations have been asked numerous times to make clear their stance on Shiasm , with no response.
Don’t jeopardise your Zakaah thereby destroying your Aakhirah! Discharge it yourself or make use of a trustworthy institution, that will discharge your Zakaah to followers of Islam, not followers of Shiasm!
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