Urinals In Mina
Question: I have received photos from a Mufti Saahib on WhatsApp. These photos which I have sent to you as well, have a caption which makes one understand that there now are urinals in Mina. Kindly comment on this.
Answer: We have seen the photos. We must remember that the Saudis have abolished almost everything of the True and Genuine Deen, how then can it be farfetched for them to abolish the Sunnah method of Istinjaa’? Since the Saudis have the audacity to even alter the Qur’an Majeed and other authentic Deeni Kitaabs, then for them to alter the Sunnah method of Istinjaa’ is not supposed to be at all surprising and shocking to any Mu’min and Mu’minah.
We can only make Du’a unto Allah Ta’ala that He allows us to live and die while practicing His True and Genuine Deen, and to protect us from practicing a concocted, liberal, westernized and Americanized Deen, Aameen.
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