Using The Venues Of The Ahl-e-Baatil Is Not Permissible

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a Deeni group to host a ladies only fikr program at Nurul Islam Masjid Hall, in Lenasia? I’m asking this because this particular Musjid belongs to the fraternity of Ulema-e-Soo’. In a long time, I haven’t seen our senior Ulema-e-Haqq delivering any Bayaans here. The annual seerah jalsahs take place from here as well in which much modernism is promoted, which is also broadcasted on video channels. Please reply to this urgent matter at hand.

ANSWER: Allah Ta’ala says in His Kalaam: “And assist each other in righteousness and piety. And DO NOT assist each other in sin and transgression.” (Surah Maaidah, Aayat 2)

Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) said, “He who places himself in a place of suspicion, should not criticize the one who thinks bad of him.”

Just as a normal Muslim with the basic understanding of Deen will not utilize the facilities of a casino, hotel or pub – even if these facilities are offered free of charge – so too should one avoid the venues and facilities of the Ahl-e-Baatil. This is precisely as a member of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah who has some basic knowledge of his beliefs will not utilize the facilities of the Barelwis or the Kuffaar Shi’as. So too is it not permissible to utilize the halls, facilities, etc. of the Ahl-e-Baatil. From Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu)’s statement, we learn that one should save oneself from such facilities and venues by which people will point fingers at. And in this is the safety of one’s Deen and Imaan!

In several Ahaadith, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has compassionately warned the Ummah with regards to company, friendship, etc. Some of the Ahaadith are as follows:

  1. “A person will be with whom he loves.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
  2. “Whoever imitates a nation is from among them.” (Abu Dawood)
  3. “… And a person does not love a nation except that he will be raised with them (on the Day of Qiyaamah).” (Al-Mu’jamul Awsat, Targheeb)
  4. “A man follows the religion of his friend, so each one should consider whom he makes his friend.” (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)

The Naseehat of the Buzrooghs concerning this topic:

  • Hazrat Bishr Haafi (Rahimahullah) said, “Spending time in the company of the evil will result in having evil thought of the righteous.”
  • A pious person once advised his son as follows, “O My son! Accompany the intelligent, and you will be ascribed to them even if you are not from them. And do not accompany the Juhhaal, lest you are ascribed to them even if you are not from them.”
  • Hazrat Maalik bin Dinaar (Rahimahullah) is recorded to have said, “Flee from any friend who does not offer any value or good with regard to your religious matters.”

After reading the above warnings for befriending evil people, as well as the Ahaadith warning one of the company one keeps, what then can be said pertaining to frequenting, utilizing and being ‘comfortable’ and relaxed by attending the venues of the Ahl-e-Baatil? Remember, the venue in question belongs to people who:

  1. Attend interfaith meetings.
  2. Appear on Haraam TV, Dajjaal’s eye.
  3. Host the Seerah Jalsah wherein much modernism and liberalism is encouraged.
  4. Allow women to come on their Haraam radio station (Radio “Izlam”).
  5. Were in the forefront in enforcing the illogical and brutal lockdown.
  6. Were in the forefront in shutting down the Masaajid.
  7. Were supporting the friends of the court against the Masjid in the court case.
  8. Allow weddings to take place at their hall/s. The weddings bring with them:
    • Haraam photography.
    • Haraam videography.
    • Haraam and anti-Sunnah style of eating – at tables and chairs.
    • Haraam extravagance which is the Shaitaani trademark of Shaitaan.
    • Haraam intermingling between men and women.
    • Haraam music.
    • Haraam styles of haircuts and dressing.
    • Haraam draping of the ceilings and stage.
    • Haraam food sourced from outlets who stun their meat.
    • Haraam, Haraam and many other Haraam items on the list!
  9. Allow the Deen Team to play d(r)unk tank games, etc. at their venue/s.
  10. Are promoting and making a desperate Shaitaani effort of liberalising, modernising and watering down the Golden 1400-year-old Deenul-Islaam!

Thus, utilizing such a spiritually dark venue which belongs to the demolishers of Islaam even for a Deeni reason will most certainly have its terrible negative effects! Forget ladies, it is not permissible for even men to attend such programs at such Haraam and dark venues. The after-effects are very disastrous spiritually!

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