UUCSA – Enemies Of Allah!

(To read (or download) as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UUCSA-friends-of-the-Kuffar-enemies-of-Allah.pdf)

16 Ramadhaan 1441 / 10 May 2020

UUCSA – ‘Friends Of The Court’ – Brands Themselves As Friends Of The Kuffar & The Enemies Of Allah!

UUCSA said:

“A friend of the court is a party who provides facts, and in the discretion of the court, evidence, to assist the court in making an informal decision.”

  1. While uucsa disguised themselves as ‘friends of the court’ or friends of the Kuffar, in the court they demonstrated and proved that they are the Enemies of Allah! Because their one and only reason to gain entry into the courtroom was to oppose the Applicants who requested that the Masaajid be opened the legal way.
  2. Thus, in court, these confirmed friends of the Kuffar – Enemies of Allah, His Rasool and the Sahaabah – stood up and influenced the judge to refuse the request of opening the Masaajid!
  3. This was the bottom line for their entry into the courtroom – to oppose the request of opening the Masaajid. In so doing, they have been labelled with a disgraceful label-tag which will remain with them for the rest of their earthly sojourn, and if they die in this state without making any public Taubah, then this tag will remain in the Aakhirah as well. Abu Jahl and others – the arch enemies of Islam – were known to prevent Muslims from performing Salaah in the Baitullah. So, don’t be surprised if uucsa’s gentlemen are grouped with those enemies of Islam, enemies of Allah, enemies of His Rasool and enemies of Salaah in the Aakhirah, viz. Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Umayyah bin Khalaf, etc.!
  4. The ‘facts’ and ‘evidence’ which uucsa provided were those they received from Shaitaan since Shaitaan is the ‘buddy’ of those who intend to cause harm to Muslims, Islam and to anything related to Islam and Deen. Shaitaan aids and abets the enemies of Allah. Uucsa’s going to court as its friends to provide ‘facts’ as to why the Masaajid should NOT be opened, confirms them to be friends of the Kuffar and enemies of Allah. Hence, they were aided by the devil, first-hand!
  5. No Muslim – even if he is an open sinner – will ever endeavour to attempt to strive to CLOSE the Masaajid! It is only a Munaafiq, a buddy of Shaitaan and the slave of the Kuffar, government, rulers and the West who will do such a miserable and accursed deed! No Muslim – as great a sinner as he may be – will ever think to do so.

Don’t support UUCSA – Friends of the Kuffar – with even ONE CENT until they issue a public statement of Taubah! Don’t listen to Radio ‘Islam’! Don’t be misled to believe these are ‘Ulama’! They have proven to us they are the agents of the Kuffar and Shaitaan! 

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