UUCSA – Enough Is Enough!

(To view (or download) as PDF, please follow this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UUCSA-Enough-is-enough.pdf)

11 Ramadhaan 1441 / 5 May 2020

Enough is enough, Oh UUCSA! The Ummah has had enough of your NIFAAQ (hypocrisy)!

The ‘spooky’ damage controlstatement by UUCSA – changing their tone and tune!

UUCSA has laid bare its HATRED for the MASAAJID, and now appear to be stressing that if schools open, including the ‘Moslem’ schools which some of their members supervise, then the Ummah will ask, ‘If UUCSA allows schools to open, why not the Masjid?’

Oh UUCSA, Are You Losing Sponsors – Since Muslims With Imaani Sight Have Witnessed First-Hand Your True Colours Of NIFAAQ (Hypocrisy)?

To UUCSA, the Ummah should say, “Go fly kite!!!”

The following is witnessed in the latest damage control statement which has UUCSA’s letterhead, and a spook’s signature at the end – meaning, no one’s signature at the bottom, which is contrary to their style of previous statements in which their president or secretary general would boldly sign off their statements!

When we speak of UUCSA in this context, we exclude Jamiat KZN and Ulama Council Eastern Cape, because they withdrew from UUCSA’s Shaitaani attempt of sabotaging the court proceedings by applying as ‘Friends of the Kuffar’. However, UUCSA has misled the Muslims of this country and the Muslims of the entire world by excluding in their 7-page – also unsigned – statement only ONE of the TWO bodies who withdrew from their Shaitaani endeavours. And this again laid bare their Nifaaq for THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!

Notice the following in their statement which we saw on Friday (7th Ramadhaan 1441, 1st May 2020):

  1. No Islamic date – A Muslim organisation’s articles should provide Islamic dates!
  2. No signature at the end. Someone said ‘their ‘ghost’ signed this statement’!

What’s happening, Oh UUCSA? Why is a spook (ghost) signing your damage control statements? Where is your president hiding away? Did you search all the churches in the Cape to find him? So what about your secretary general? Where is he? Did you search the whole of Mpumulanga province and failed to find him too? This left you with issuing the statement with no signature, leaving a ‘ghost/spook’ to sign it?

Oh yes, it is lockdown! Your Moolana Bham repeatedly reminds Muslims to adhere to lockdown rules, and YOU called for the Masaajid to remain SHUT as per your court case in which you got in as ‘Friends of the Kuffar’, so go see in their homes. Hopefully, you will find them in their homes AND NOT in the malls which are open, busy buying some non-essentials?

UUCSA says in its statement – signed by a ghost, i.e. by no one:

“It is painfully sad for all of us to witness the temporary closure of our Masaajid (Mosques) in South Africa…”

Comment: This reeks of nothing but the odour of Nifaaq! When a group tried to get our Masaajid in South Africa opened by their lawyer sending a letter to the President of SA, your Moolana Bham was too quick to oppose that! A dozen of other UUCSA-minded organisations also supported that the Masaajid should remain SHUT! Over a hundred unfortunate souls – many of whom appear to be modernists; while some people have questioned as to how often those signatories used to attend the Masjid before lockdown – also ‘danced’ to the ‘tune’ of your Moolana Bham and MJC and signed letters, lending their full support to KEEP THE MASAAJID SHUT! Inaa-lillaahi-wa-innaa-ilaihi-Raaji’oon!!!

Then came the court case appeal, and you managed to gain entry into the courtroom camouflaged in the Latin term of ‘Amicus Curiae’, and in clear Islamic terms as ‘Friends of the Kuffar’ –  which as per our correspondences with various Muslims was that they could clearly see your entry in the court to do nothing but OPPOSE the OPENING OF THE MASAAJID! Again, Innaa-lillaahi-wa-innaa-ilaihi-Raaji’oon!!!!

These activities of yours clearly showed Muslims your HATRED for the Masaajid, your personal vendetta for The Majlis (as Mufti AK indicated) and your grovelling at the feet of the Kuffar politicians to keep them pleased, instead of the Rabb of the whole universe!

So why did you in the first place put so much of effort for opposing the opening of the Masaajid?

Why did your Moolana Bham, in his voice note, speak to a ‘Mooolana’ saying that he (Bham) does NOT understand the reason for a court case, for just ONE JUMU’AH? He simply doesn’t understand the reason for a court case, because he doesn’t give importance to the Laws of Deen!!! That ‘just one Jumu’ah’ could be the LAST Jumu’ah of an Ummati, if he was to pass away before the NEXT Jumu’ah!!!!

Moolana Bham is frequently seen rubbing shoulders with women, sitting with them shoulder-to-shoulder in accursed TV studios. Then how do we expect such a man to understand the importance of ‘just one Jumu’ah’, if he doesn’t show any care and importance to ‘the many Laws of the Shari’ah’?

Then why did your Moolana Bham and his mouthpiece (Radio so-called ‘Islam’ –  we can now call it Radio Shaitaan) have a panel discussion with Taha Karan and a doctor, to once more, brainwash the listeners that opening the Masaajid will cause the virus to spread?

Then why did your president – who goes to churches and deems permissible to attend HINDU WEDDINGS – have a panel discussion with a group of doctors, underlying the importance as to why the Masaajid should REMAIN SHUT during the lockdown, which was once more, aired on Radio Shaitaan and other radios?


Why didn’t you give your support to the Ulama-e-Haq who signed the letter supporting the opening of the Masaajid, the legal way? Now, all of a sudden, a somersault?!

And if you truly do believe that going to the Masjid is unsafe and the call to open the Masaajid is uncalled for, then you should have SHUT your mouths, SIT at home and not proceed to court as their friends in an attempt to SHUT the MASAAJID!

Now this somersault? Now you are calling for the same thing the Ulama-e-Haq went to court for? Have you lost many of your donors? Have you lost followers? Have you lost leadership? Have you lost name and fame, and now suffering shame? Has the Ummah seen through your true and genuine colours of NIFAAQ?

Has the Ummah bombarded you with e-mails, pressurizing you to make a public statement to make your stance clear? Has the Ummah pressurized you to shake up and wake up? Has the Ummah bombarded you to STOP grovelling at the feet of the rich, government and politicians? Has the Ummah exposed your lies and deceptions via e-mails?

Now, to control the damage and mess you have done, you sent an unsigned statement? What happened to your president who frequents churches, why didn’t he sign? What happened to your secretary general who opposes his Ustaad, Hazrat Mufti AK Hoosen Sahib? Why didn’t he sign the statement?




(Exception applies to their two bodies who did not partake in their court issue to SHUT the Masaajid)

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