UUCSA’s & MJC’s Statements On The Gay Priest’s Death – Article Of Majlisul-Ulama

Hereunder is a wonderful write-up by Majlisul-Ulama of SA regarding the statements of UUCSA and MJC on the death of the gay priest. The article is also available on the website of the Majlis (www.themajlis.co.za)

The article is as follows:

In statements issued by the two Murtad entities, MJC and Bogus UUCSA, they expressed their ‘deep concern and shock’ at the killing of another murtad of their kind in Port Elizabeth.

Our comment here is not to address or discuss the killing. Our concern is to show Muslims that these two haraam, illegitimate progeny of Iblees, are among the Murtaddeen. In the very recent past numerous people in South Africa, Muslims and non-Muslims, were murdered. Numerous were kidnapped, raped and robbed. But these haraam, shaitaani entities did not deem it appropriate to issue statements of ‘deep concern and shock’ despite the large number of the victims. But for this one murtad, they find it suitable to issue bootlicking statements – to boolick the persons of his ilk and to curry favour with the authorities.

There is absolutely not the slightest vestige of doubt in the Shar’i ruling of the Irtidaad of the killed person. So why do these two miserable entities fall over themselves in their eagerness to bootlick the Tawaagheet who have accorded acceptability and respectability to a species of mankind such as the nation of Loot (Alayhis salaam) who was horrendously destroyed by the Athaab of Allah Ta’ala? Have the MJC and UUCSA shayaateenul ins (human devils) joined the clique whom the killed man represented?

Ridha bil kufr is KUFR. That is, anyone who is pleased with kufr also loses his Imaan. Thus, all of them have become Murtaddeen by voicing their ‘shock and concern’.

The stupid MJC’s ‘calls on the police’ are laughingly moronic. The police know their job. There is no need for these murtad entities to provide encouragement to the police. Hitherto the police have not issued any statement to even create the impression that they will not be doing what they are supposed to do.

These two shaitaani entities were the very same enemies of Allah Ta’ala during the era of covid Satanism. They had applied to the court to close the Musaajid. They had suspended the Fardh Salaat and had made kufr changes to the Ahkaam of the Shariah by promoting the kufr protocols of Dr.Fauce & Gang – the Mafia gang who is today in the dock.

Muslims should understand that these two miscreant bodies constitute a grave danger for their Imaan. Salaat behind fellows belonging to these two evil entities is not valid.

The country is awash with crime. But these miserable sheikhs and molvies did not consider issuing statements to condemn the unacceptable level of crime bedevilling South Africa. But because one of their ilk was killed, it was considered proper to issue bootlicking statements.

It is HARAAM to condole on the occasion of the death of a murtad. It is treason against Allah Azza Wa Jal to do so. These miscreant miserable chaps have no understanding of Imaan and its demands. For them Kufr can blend with Imaan.

The end of the article

Link to the original source of the above: https://themajlis.co.za/articles/bootlicking-statements-of-the-murtaddeen/