UUCSA’s Slander

15 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 / 26 July 2021 (Date on which this article was prepared)

UUCSA’s Slander

No Confidence In UUCSA!


Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever argues in favour of falsehood (like the MMB Bill) and he knows it, Allah will continue to be displeased with him until he stops. Whoever says something about a believer that is not true (like UUCSA saying they represent ALL Muslims of SA), he will be made by Allah to stay in the fluid flowing from the inhabitants of Jahannam till he retracts his statement.” (Abu Dawood)

Once again, UUCSA is revealing its true colours. Like before, UUCSA is again attempting to allow the Kufr State to override the Laws of the Shari’ah in terms of the Laws of Nikaah, Talaaq, etc.

Without even going into the subject of the MMB Bill which stinks of Kufr Laws, the following important points should be remembered:

  1. UUCSA did NOT ask us – Custodians of the Haq – to be represented, hence UUCSA’s claim of representing SA Muslim community is a big-fat LIE!
  2. Similarly, UUCSA hasn’t asked the hundreds of Ulama-e-Haq for permission to represent them! What a shameless lie is UUCSA involved in?
  3. To aggravate the major sin of LYING mentioned in the above points, if UUCSA goes ahead and treacherously speaks on behalf of the Muslim community, then this is a Buhtaan (slander) for which entry into Jannah is forbidden as per the following Hadith, “The slanderer will not enter Jannah.” (Muslim Shareef)
  4. As we write now, a petition, which has been made public about three days ago, has over a thousand signatures against UUCSA – Alhamdulillah! The petition is themed as ‘UUCSA does not represent all Muslims in South Africa’. This means that a thousand Muslims of South Africa have signed claiming that UUCSA DOES NOT REPRESENT THEM! Hence, the claim of UUCSA to represent ALL Muslims is another big-fat slander for which there will be severe consequences.
  5. UUCSA stands for ‘United Ulama Council of SA’. However, their very own member, namely Jamiat KZN, were surprised to learn of UUCSA’s stance of going to court to, in simple terms, allow the Kufr State to override the Laws of Shari’ah. What ‘unity’ does UUCSA really have among themselves? Hence, our previously calling ‘UUCSA’ as ‘DUCSA’ which stands for ‘Disunited Ulama Council of SA’ is most befitting.
  6. For these and many more reasons, we encourage every TRUE and SINCERE Muslim male and female to sign the petition to protect our Deen from being ‘captured’ by unfit scholars who don’t have the interest of the Haq at heart. Kindly click on this link to sign:   http://chng.it/ysqTHZK5HG

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UUCSAs-slander.pdf)