Various Fitnahs In The Name Of Palestine

Various Fitnahs In The Name Of Palestine

“Then, We have placed you (O Rasulullah) on the Shari’at, so follow it and do not follow the whims of those who have no knowledge.” (Jaathiyah, Aayat 18)

  1. Is there any merit or virtue in waving, buying and hoisting the Palestinian flag in the current Gaza crisis? People are selling such flags, bands, etc. and justify the point of them creating awareness by this.


How can and how will waving a Palestinian flag here in South Africa assist the Muslims in Gaza and Palestine? We have taken the difficulty experienced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza as an advantage point to make business and to entertain ourselves, in the name of Palestine.

Resort to Du’a, Istighfaar and Nafl Salaah, these will be much more effective than waving a flag thousands of miles away from Gaza. By now, even Kuffaar across the globe are aware of the crisis in Gaza. Hence, there is no need to create any further awareness.


  1. Muslims in Muslim neighbourhoods in Gauteng had gathered to ‘hoist’ a 30m Palestinian flag. This 30m flag now seems to be going around community-to-community. Is such an activity of any benefit and allowed?


Instead of benefit, such activities attract Divine Wrath – Azaab! We have been informed that this 30m flag was ‘hoisted’, or ‘waved’ by Muslims in a Haraam Zina environment. A mixed gathering at a ‘Park’, where Muslim men and women flocked to, had this 30m flag waved by holding it – along the borders of the flag – at the park. Thus, instead of a mere 30m flag which is of no aid to Gaza whatsoever, it was a 30m row of Zina! Thus, such hoisting events bring with it a host of major sins, which rather than good, will turn to be the reason for evil to spread. This activity will not be of any benefit to the Muslims of Gaza or to the Ummah in any way.


  1. What about marching and picketing outside the Israeli embassy?


When Hazrat Moulana Yusuf Khandelwi (Rahmatullahi alaih) was asked when the people experienced inflation, “Shall we protest in front of the government and present our case?” He replied, “Demonstration is the way of the people of Baatil.”

Moulana Ilyaas Khandelwi (Ramatullahi alaih) used to say, “Allah Ta’ala will never help Muslims regarding matters out of their control if they do not fulfil those actions that are within their grasp.”

Hence, instead of marching to embassies, etc. the men should rather march to the Masjid five times a day. Ladies should ensure their Salaah is up to date in their homes. Some Nafl Salaah should be read. Taubah and Durood should be increased. Du’as should be made. These will be much more effective than marching to embassies.


  1. Can we join marches organized by Ulama?


Learned people who arranged marches are NOT of the fraternity of the Ulama. They are scholars! Scholars have a liberal mindset. They are satanically ‘broad-minded’. As a result, they will allow for un-Islamic activities to take place. You will not find Ulama-e-Haq ever participating in or arranging such marches, etc. Yes, the scholars of the government are known to arrange such. Such marches – in fact, ALL marches – are Haraam. Abstain from them totally.


  1. JUSA had allowed for a mass Jumu’ah during ANC’s solidarity march for Palestine. Are such mass Jumu’ahs allowed?


JUSA, UUCSA, MJC, Darul Ihsaan and any scholar who appears on TV, who approves Haraam stunned chickens as ‘Halaal’ (such as SANHA’s ‘Halaal’ certified commercial chickens),  who endorsed the closure of the Masaajid in lockdown, who openly flouts any Law of the Shari’ah, for example, discards Hijaab, discards the Sunnah method of eating, etc. have deviated from the Original Shari’ah. Hence, their actions and participation doesn’t at all give any license of permissibility anymore in the Shari’ah. In fact, when one sees their presence or endorsement of certain activities, one should be wary and refer to the righteous Ulama-e-Haq for guidance. Thus, their participating in the mass Jumu’ah is a Bid’ah. And every Bid’ah is Dhalaalah (deviation). Don’t be surprised at such mass interfaith opportunities. Remember, elections are nearby, hence this could be a stunt to gain more votes?


  1. People have arranged Padel tennis/sports, horse riding, walks, sports day, markets, etc. for Palestine. Are such activities allowed?


Never can such activities ever be Halaal! Abstain from all such and other merrymaking shows which are mere entertainment for us. Imagine how weak we have become, while bombs are falling on Gaza, we are drunk in entertainment such as the above. The phrase ‘for Palestine’ is a Shaitaani deception. In the name of Palestine, we deem to regard sports, play, walks, etc. to be Halaal? In the name of Palestine have we found an opportunity to gratify our Nafs by indulging in entertainment, then soothing ourselves with the term ‘for Palestine’.

What will be of real and genuine benefit ‘for Palestine’ is far from our minds. Salaah, Taqwa, Istighfaar, Tahajjud, Sadaqah, Durood Shareef, etc. will benefit Gaza much more than the above entertainment. But since there’s no Nafsaani pleasure in these solitude Ibaadat, the Nafs dislikes to do them.

 Our cake-sales, lemonade, sport days, marches, padel tennis games, horse riding, etc. WILL NOT HELP Gaza!

Rather, our Taqwa, Du’as, Nafl Salaah, Durood, Istighfaar, Sadaqah, etc. WILL HELP Gaza!

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