Video Streaming Of Programs – Haraam!

15 Rajab 1443 / 17 February 2022

Video Streaming Of Programs – Haraam!

Question: Recently,a group of scholars arranged for a program in a Musjid. However, the disturbing fact I came to know regarding this program was that the entire program was videoed and broadcasted via video channels on the internet. Kindly offer your comments in this regard. Shukran

Answer: Among the various statements of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the following severe warning:

“The severest Punishment will be meted out to the picture makers.” (Hadith – Bukhari Shareef)

Hence, broadcasting a program which is supposed to discuss important aspects of Deen, or the Blessed Life of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), or any program whether inside or outside the Masjid by means of animate picture-making, is not permissible. It is incumbent to follow Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s statements in which he prohibited certain sins. ALL the Imaams of the Deen, the recent Akaabireen as well as the current senior Ulama-e-Haq are unanimous on the irrefutable fact that animate picture-making of any form, way, method, etc. remains HARAAM. The digital argument holds no real weight in front of the above Hadith Shareef. Furthermore, the arguments presented to legalize digital photography have been thoroughly refuted by the Ulama-e-Haq to which the scholars who deem them permissible have not been able to file a solid and a concrete response to this day.

This clearly means that there is no scope for the permissibility of digital pictures. The same applies to ALL TV channels, You-Tube channels, etc. on which animate objects appear and are called by some Islamic names.

Recently, we were made aware of a senior Aalim refuting the ‘digital’ argument. The senior Aalim explained the digital argument in the following similar points:

  1. Bring the best artist that can draw the best pictures and tell him to draw a certain picture.
  2. Thereafter, take a digital camera of our times and take the same picture’s photograph (in real life).
  3. Place both the pictures next to each other.
  4. Which of the two pictures look more real? Obviously, the digital picture!

Digital or non-digital – ALL photography & videography of animate objects are Haraam

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