Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu), the fourth Khalifa of Islam said:
“Make the Miswaak (i.e. its use) incumbent upon you, and be constant in this practice because Allah’s Pleasure is in it and it increases the Reward of Salaat from ninety-nine times to four hundred times.” -Hadith-
The virtues, blessings (Barakaat) and advantages of using the Miswaak are innumerable. Amongst them are the following:
1) Eases one’s Rizq: Perpetual and continuous practise of the Miswaak occasions affluence, facilitates Rizq (sustenance) and makes a person wealthy.
2) Oral Hygiene:
- Miswaak is extremely healthy for the mouth. Hadhrat Ibn Umar (Radhiallahu anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the Creator (i.e. Allah is pleased with the Muslim who uses the Miswaak).” (Bukhari)
- Miswaak also creates fragrance in the mouth.
- Miswaak eliminates slime. It removes phlegm.
- Eliminates bad odour and improves the sense of taste.
- Kills gum disease which cause bacteria.
3) Aches and Pains.
- Miswaak is a cure for headaches.
- Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches.
- Miswaak alleviates body pains.
4) Miswaak strengthens the eye-sight.
5) Dental Hygiene – healthy and beautiful Teeth.
- Miswaak strengthens the teeth.
- Miswaak prevents tooth decay.
- Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.
- Miswaak whitens the teeth.
- Miswaak strengthens the gums.
- Miswaak fights plaque effectively.
- Miswaak fights against caries (tooth decay and crumbling of bone).
- Miswaak removes the yellowishness of the teeth.
- Miswaak prevents further increase of decay which has already set in the teeth.
6) Miswaak is beneficial for the health of the entire body.
- Miswaak strengthens the back.
- Miswaak facilitates the appetite.
- Miswaak assists in the process of digestion.
- Miswaak clears the voice.
- Miswaak cleanses the heart.
7) Miswaak increases the eloquence of one’s speech.
8) Miswaak sharpens and increases the Memory.
9) Miswaak sharpens and increases the Intelligence.
10) Use of the Miswaak displeases Shaitaan and pleases the Malaaikah (the angels).
11) Miswaak is a factor which will earn higher ranks in Jannat for the one who uses it.
12) Miswaak increases the Thawaab (reward) of Salaat (prayer) from seventy times to four hundred times.
13) Miswaak (i.e. its constant use) will be a factor to ease the pangs of Death. The continuous use of the Miswaak makes it easy for the Rooh (Soul) to depart from the body when its appointed time arrives.
14) Through the constant use of Miswaak, Insha-Allah the Kalimah will be easy to recite at the time of death.
15) And, the greatest benefit of using the Miswaak is the attainment of Allah Ta’ala’s Pleasure.
16) And many many more benefits…
- Natural way of brushing teeth.
- It is an organic product.
- Keeps you safe against all dental diseases.
- Requires no toothpaste.
- Easy to carry around.
- It has no harmful side-effects.
(Source: Jamiatul-Ulama Northern Cape – www.jamiatnc.co.za)
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