Voting In Elections

29 Jamaadal-Ula 1440 / 5 February 2019 

It is essential for Muslims to understand that voting in kuffaar elections entails many Shar’i violations. Some of which are mentioned hereunder:

(1) The law of a non-Muslim country and even some Muslim countries of this age is Kufr law. The Qur’aan Majeed states explicitly and emphatically that those who govern according to Kufr law and support Kufr law are “Kaafiroon, Faasiqoon and Zaalimoon.”

(2) Candidates for whom people have to vote are promoters of Kufr, or Shirk, or atheism.

(3) Total violation of Hijaab has to be incumbently committed in the process of registration and voting by both, Muslim men and Muslim women.

(4) Whilst the violation of Hijaab is Haraam for both males and females, the prohibition has greater relevance and is of greater abomination for Muslim females. Muslims are supposed to think and understand that when it is not permissible for Muslim women to go to the Musjid for Salaat, how can it ever be permissible for them to emerge from their homes in total and flagrant violation of the Qur’anic prohibition to mingle with the kuffaar to vote?

To understand this prohibition, a Muslim whose Imaan has not been destroyed does not require much knowledge and proofs for guidance from the Ulama-e-Haq, not those modern and western Ulama who promote and encourage Muslims to vote. Allah Ta’ala has bestowed sufficient intelligence to every Muslim to understand that participation in a venture of any kind whatsoever will be Haraam if it entails violations of the Shariah.

Commanding Muslims to bypass the modern Ulama who promote and encourage Muslims to vote, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said for our guidance:

“Righteousness is that which the heart feels at ease with and the soul is content with and sin is that which troubles the heart and causes doubts in the chest (i.e. the heart), even if people pass fatwa (of permissibility) for you and give you verdicts.” (Ahmad)

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