Voting & Political Scholars

Allah Ta’ala announces in clear words, “Whoever does NOT rule by what Allah has revealed, they are the Kaafiroon.” (Surah Maa’idah, Aayat 44)

As Muslims, we should understand the meaning of the word ‘democracy’. What is democracy?

Our Ulama-e-Haq have said that the word or meaning of democracy is actually ‘DEMON-cracy’. Yes, all to do with the DEMON, the DEVIL, Shaitaan and Dajjaal. In other words, the entire system of DEMON-cracy (or democracy as is commonly called) is run by Shaitaan from behind the scenes. Our Ulama-e-Haq also explain that with the coming of this DEMON-cracy, prostitution became legal, gambling became legal, LGBTQ is gaining legality and is granted DEMON-cratic ‘rights’, In short, lots of filth have come in under the banner of democracy (DEMON-cracy or DEMON-crazy). This shows that this system is total Shaitaaniyat. Scholars who call, promote and approve of this Shaitaani system are undoubtedly scholars of the Government.

We heard one Mufti Saahib describing ‘democracy’ to be actually stripping Allah Ta’ala off from being the Legislator of Laws and handing the power of making laws to man – i.e. man-made laws over Divine Laws.

With a quick internet search of ‘what is democracy’, the following result was discovered: “government in which the supreme power is held by the people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation.”

The scholars who are in cahoots with this Haraam system and the government, are at pains to paint the ugly picture of democracy in a ‘palatable’ fashion to be able to be digested by the Ummah.

Thus, in a certain town in Limpopo, the Imaam stated in his Masjid from the front that it is ‘FARDH’ to attend a Haraam political meeting/address by a FEMALE politician. Imagine, an Imaam tells the MEN in a Masjid that it is FARDH to attend a political address by a FEMALE politician! We could have expected such a statement filled with Jahl (ignorance) to be forthcoming from Juhhaal, not from an Imaam! Since when has this Imaam found it to be Fardh to attend an address by a FEMALE politician?

Another scholar in Middelburg was caught quoting a Salafi Imaam! Imagine, they are so at pains just to make Muslims go and vote, that they end-up quoting a Salafi Imaam. Do we smell Salafism in these government scholars or is it just our imagination? The scholar from the Jumu’ah platform ignores Allah’s Clear Words which appear in the 6th Juz, wherein THREE times in just a few lines Allah Ta’ala addresses this issue – the issue of those NOT legislating in accordance to the Divine System of Allah are branded as Kaafiroon, Zaalimoon and Faasiqoon.

Democracy is a Taghoot System – a system of Shaitaan! It is Shaitaan’s system – a satanic system and Satanism. Allah’s System is the System of Mashwarah and Khilaafat. The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) never went to the polls to cast their votes for the next Khaleefah or Ameerul-Mu’mineen. They elected the next Ameerul-Mu’mineen or Khaleefah through Mashwarah.

The bigger a liar a person is who makes many (empty and false) promises, the bigger a politician one becomes. This makes politics a dirty game – a lying-game. Promoting voting is promoting LIES – apart from the democracy discussion we touched on above. How many of the many promises have our current leaders upheld? Voting is actively approving the corruption and scandals worth BILLIONS of valuable Rands pocketed and misused!

Voting makes one approve of all the evil BILLS which are being passed which are ultimately aimed to demolish Islam in our country. In recent days, how many BILLS have been passed under our noses, many of which were strongly opposed, yet they ignored all the opposition and went on to pass the evil BILLS.

Remember, ‘to vote’ means giving a type of testimony. In short, it sort of means, ‘I give a testimony that this man/party is the most fit to represent me and I am happy with his/its laws he/it will pass and make in this country’. Which of the parties can we really trust to have the welfare of Islam at heart? Anyone standing up for Palestine means nothing, because Palestine is not Islam. Palestine’s situation needs no politicians to support, it needs one to merely be a human being to support.

As Muslims, we have been given the solution by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding our rulers and leaders. If our deeds are correct, so too will our leaders be appointed by Allah Ta’ala, and vice versa. Hence the solution is simple, ‘let us get our A’maal right and in order’.

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