Wearing NIKE Brand
Question: Since your stance on wearing PUMA brand has been clarified in the Light of the Shari’ah, Alhamdulillah, what about the Nike branded clothing which is commonly worn by many Muslims. Even good Muslims wear such branded clothing, viz. Nike, Puma, etc. Is it permissible to wear this Nike branded clothing?
Answer: Nike logo is perhaps one of the most sinister of signs/logos in terms of clothing. It should not be taken lightly because from the following search on the internet, it clearly shows that NIKE has KUFR connotations!
‘In Greek mythology, Nike is the Winged Goddess of Victory. The logo is derived from goddess’ wing, ‘swoosh’, which symbolises the sound of speed, movement, power and motivation.’ (This is copied verbatim from the internet)
The above background to the Nike logo also brings to light that since the Nike logo has connotations to a KUFR Greek Goddess of victory, this sign/logo famously appears on sportswear. Sportsmen frequently or commonly wear this branded clothing especially when playing their futile satanic sports in order to gain ‘victory’ by the false (in fact, Kufr) ‘means’ of the Greek Goddess!
This also shows that sports, supporting sports, following sports, supporting sportsmen, sport stars, sport ‘heroes’ (in actual fact they are ZEROS) and sport teams are all HARAAM and have subtle KUFR camouflaged in them. This outwardly ‘innocent’ Nike ‘tick’ is linked to a Greek Goddess, then how much more suspicious shouldn’t we be of the rest of the satanic-sports?
Some Ulama have stated in their Fataawaa that Salaah that was read in clothing that had a Nike logo should be repeated. The ‘tick’ sign of Nike also has sinister meanings as per the internet.
It is HARAAM to wear Nike jerseys, jackets, shoes, T-shirts, trousers of any sort and even Nike underwear exactly for the same reason as it is HARAAM to wear a Cross around one’s neck. Even wearing Nike under one’s Kurtah remains HARAAM!
Wearing NIKE, a CROSS and a TIE are all HARAAM due to the KUFR connotations they have!
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