Where Are The Friends Of The Court – Part 2

Where Are The Friends Of The Court – The Enemies Of Allah Ta’ala, The Sunnah And The Masaajid?

In our previous article (no. 1), we referred to two news headlines mentioning the Christian Church Forum‘s intention to challenge the regulations in court to allow the operating of churches under the current (oppressive) lockdown.

Should the very same UUCSA/JUSA, MJC and company fail to barge and rush into the court room to ‘save lives’ if this matter proceeds to court, then it will be extremely unfair, unjust and plain oppression on every Masjid which they begged their friends (the court) to SHUT and remain SHUT when they became the Amicus in the Masjid court case saga last year.

Then, UUCSA/JUSA, MJC and company – i.e. all those who supported this Shaitaani and accursed stance of theirs, be it on an individual capacity or as an organisation – should be warned of a Severe Court Case that will be held on the Day of Qiyaamah! It could be that EVERY MASJID that had to SHUT its doors on the faces of the Musallis due to them giving ‘reasons’ for the closure of the Masaajid in court, will take them to Court in the Courts of all Courts, on the Day of Qiyaamah! It could be that EVERY Musalli – five times Namaazi – that was deprived of his daily Salaah in the Masjid, that was deprived of Taraaweeh Salaah in the Masjid, that was deprived of all other Blessings that cascade from the heavens to the Masjid and is then distributed to the Musallis attending the Masjid, will take them to Court on the Day of Qiyaamah!

Remember, that Court Case will be in the presence of EVERY Nabi (Alaihis salaam), every Sahaabi (Radhiyallahu anhu), every Taabi’ and Tab’-e-Taabi’ and EVERY Imaam of the four Mazhabs, including their illustrious students (Rahimahumullah)! It will be a Court Case in the presence of every Angel, including Hazrat Jibreel, Hazrat Mikaaeel, Hazrat Izraaeel and Hazrat Israafeel (Alaihimus salaam)!

Should they (UUCSA, JUSA, MJC and company) not make public Taubah and clearly state that they were wrong, and promise not to do such an evil act ever again, then we leave you with the following food for thought:

The arch enemies of Allah and His Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and of Islaam, like Abu Jahl and Abu Lahb will also be present in the Court Case of the Day of Qiyaamah. Possibly, Abu Jahl will be confused to learn of how so-called ‘Ulama’ matched his accursed ‘hallmark’ which is spoken of in the Qur’an Majeed by being in the fore to ‘prevent Muslims from Salaah (in the Masjid).’ The Qur’an Majeed states regarding Abu Jahl, “Tell Me about the one who prevents a servant (Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) when he performs Salaah.” (‘Alaq, 9 and 10)

May Allah Ta’ala grant UUCSA/JUSA, MJC, etc. Hidaayat to make public Taubah before it is too late, and protect all of us from His Azaab, Aameen.

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Where-are-the-friends-of-the-court-Pt-2.pdf)

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