Who Is A Real Man – Summary Of A Majlis

Summary of the Majlis of Hadhrat Maulana Abdul Haq Makada دَامَتْ بَرَكَاتُهُ

Conducted after Esha, Thursday the 19th of September 2024 @ Musjid Mueenuddeen

Title : Who is a real Man?

Hadhrat Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ reported:

I asked Rasûlullah صلى الله عليه وسلم: “Who is the most excellent among the Muslims?”


He صلى الله عليه وسلم said:


“One who other Muslims are safe from his tongue and hands.”

[Bukhārī and Muslim].

Hadhrat Thanwī رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ said:

“if you want to become an (Ābid) worshipper, one who behaves like the saints, you can go anywhere else but if you want to become a Real Man or genuine saint then come to me”.

Hadhrat Maulana Maseehullah sāhib رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ said:

“To become a Jannati (one worthy of just entrance into Jannat) is very easy but to become a Real Man (a perfect person or perfect Jannati) is very hard.”

Who is a Real Man (a perfect person or a perfect Jannati)?

1.One who fulfills the rights of Allāh ta’ala and the rights of the creation of Allāh ta’ala.

2.One who forgos his comforts for the sake of others.

3.One who does not cause harm, hurt or inconvenience to others in any way.

It is extremely easy to perform acts of piety, but it is very difficult to develop into a Real Man who upholds the rights of others.

Today we see all types of doctors, but not all of them can diagnose correctly and give the right prescription. Similarly, there are all types of Shaykhs and spiritual doctors also.

People are sitting in their gatherings, making alot of zikr and performing nafl acts like salaat, fasting, charity, Haj and Umras, practicing on outward Sunnats etc. but they are not good Muslims because they are violating people’s rights by harming and hurting them.

People are in the first saff in the masjid, punctual with their salaah, zikr etc. but they are also first to harm others because the rights of others are not regarded as important in Deen.

*Examples of the harm that we cause*

1. Our behaviour in our homes with our families. We cannot tolerate anything. We react angrily and harshly. We are vulgar and abusive despite all the zikr and nafl acts and pious company.

2. Our manner of speech. We are hurtful, even if what we are saying might be correct. People are performing pious acts but cannot control their anger. In that fit of anger they say words of talāq to that wife who stuck with them through thick and thin.

3. Not being appreciative to the ones that are really close to us. Sometimes abandoning and depriving them (eg. our parents or wives and children) for someone else (eg. a second wife ) who just came now, giving them everything. We do all this despite claiming piety whilst hurting the ones who were there during the hard times.

4. A person is parked incorrectly and he is lengthening his nafl. A person enters the masjid and performs his salaah at the entrance blocking everyone. He is getting pleased but others are displeased.

5. We promise people we are owing, but we break our promises. We go for nafl Haj and Umras but we are not paying our debts.

6. To pitch up as an uninvited guests at a function. Similarly, the hadith teaches us that if someone is invited to a function, he is not allowed to take an uninvited guest without the permission of the host, even if he knows the host very well.

7. We inconvenience our families with guests and friends who pitch up suddenly. We have simple food present which we would eat but we will not present that. A true friend will not mind joining you in whatever you eat as seen in the lives of the pious. There was no formality in them. We inconvenience our families to impress our friends.

A person may not be performing alot of nafl acts, but he does not violate the rights of others. Such a person is better than a one who performs alot of nafl acts but harms and inconveniences others.

As Hadhrat Thanwī رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ said:


“Alot attention is given to nafl acts through which a person is known as pious but he is not a Real Man (a perfect person or Perfect Jannati) because he is harming others.”

Islaah is a very delicate matter. Let us make proper islaah by becoming real human beings.