Why Is JUSA Unreliable?

Why Is JUSA An Unreliable Entity?

“Soon shall there dawn an age when … … … Their (the Ummah’s) Ulama will be the worst under the canopy of the sky. From them will emerge corruption and (it) will rebound on them.” (Mishkaat Shareef)

QUESTION: Can you kindly give reasons as to why we shouldn’t follow the Ulema of the Jamiat here in Fordsburg? Jazakallah.

ANSWER: There are plenty of solid reasons which any person who studies them with an Islamic perspective, will fully agree to and immediately stop all following of JUSA (Fordsburg Jamiat). In short, JUSA is pushing for a watered down version of the 1400-year-old Golden Shari’ah. It is due to the Haq spoken by our Ulama-e-Haq that JUSA has failed to shove their Dajjaal-friendly version of ‘Islam’ down our throats. For this Great Boon of having such Powerful Ulama-e-Haq in our country, we should make lots of Shukr unto Allah Ta’ala.

Hereunder are five brief points which show why JUSA is an unreliable entity:

  1. Their secretary general participates in political rallies in full view of the media and in the company of women, while (he) chants ‘VIVA, VIVA’.
  2. JUSA’s secretary general participated/s in interfaith ceremonies. At the funeral of Kathrada he allowed such a ceremony. He also ‘prayed’ at Mandela’s memorial service. This is a clear effort of endorsing the KUFR Abrahamic Accord, or the DAJJAALI One World religion!
  3. JUSA’s scholars appear on TV. They even have a dedicated channel. This is despite the fact that ALL the major Datul-Ulooms of SA and ALL our Akaabireen brand TV as Haraam. This is a brazen attempt of altering the Shari’at’s 1400-year-old stance on animate pictography to be Haraam.
  4. JUSA’s members entertain females on Radio ‘Izlam’ – a mouthpiece of theirs from which loads of Baatil is spread to the Ummah.
  5. JUSA was in the forefront in closing the Masaajid even before lockdown. How can we trust an entity that closes Allah’s Houses for a man-made SCAM-demic?

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSA-is-unreliable.pdf)