Why Is UUCSA Unreliable?

Why is UUCSA an unreliable entity?

“Soon shall there dawn an age when … … … Their (The Ummah’s) Ulama will be the worst under the canopy of the sky. From them will emerge corruption and (it) will rebound on them.” (Mishkaat Shareef)

QUESTION: Can you kindly give reasons as to why uucsa (united ulema council of SA) should be followed or not? Jazakallah.

ANSWER: There are plenty of reasons why UUCSA should not be followed. Their claim of being an ‘umbrella body’; having about ‘1500 scholars’; etc. holds no weight in the face of their attempt of watering down the 1400-year-old Pristine and Golden Shari’ah of Allah Ta’ala. One person on the Haq is regarded to be the one who is upholding the Shari’ah compared to the entire Dunya on Baatil. Hence, numbers and figures mean nothing at all! Don’t be duped by the ‘figure-trick’ of Shaitaan!

Hereunder are five brief points which show why UUCSA is an unreliable entity:

  1. Their secretary has turned his back on the Ta’leem of his senior Ustaad. Many of the secretary’s doings are not approved by his senior Ustaad. How can we then still trust such an entity whose secretary has turned his back on his Ustaad?
  2. Their gate-crashing and begging the court by becoming the ‘friends of the court’ in the 2020 Masjid court case issue is perhaps the most important reason why they have lost ALL credibility in the Shari’ah.
  3. Their members appear on TV – Dajjaal’s studio. This is despite the major Darul Ulooms’ Fatwa of TV to be Haraam. Are they an ‘umbrella body’ preserving the Fatwas of our Ulama-e-Haq? Yes, they are an umbrella for deviates and modernists.
  4. Their claim of having ‘x’ amount of scholars, yet hardly do they come in the fore and preach the Genuine Haq, educate the Ummah on the Kufr of the Shi’as, etc. Rather, their handful members running the show indulge in open anti-Shari’ah activities.
  5. They endorse the Haraam and Kufr interfaith programs and are part of the Global Imaams Network who share similar un-Islamic and Haraam motives. Their allowing interfaith, Haraam photos, honouring deviates, etc. are enough reasons to NOT follow such an unreliable entity despite their ‘Islamic’ claims.

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UUCSA-is-unreliable.pdf)