Why The Ongoing Silence?

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6 Thul-Qa’dah 1441 / 28 June 2020

Why Ignore The Critical Issue?

Why The Ongoing Silence?

We have been informed of the secretary general of JUSA commenting on the court-case issue on certain WhatsApp group/s. In those comments, he – the secretary general – appears to be having much time to type out lengthy messages to post against a group of Masjid-loving Muslims who went to court to seek legal leeway for the Masaajid to be opened during the lockdown.

What he has written, shows that he has ample time to revisit the court-case issues, study and scrutinize the applicants’ court papers, etc. – the very same court case his JUSA and UUCSA went in as ‘friends of the Kuffar’ – Enemies of Allah – to oppose the opening of the Masaajid, something which will be written in the annals of South African history and be presented against the Muslim Ummah of this country (in the future – Na’uthu-Billah).

It is indeed surprising that to this day, the questions posed to JUSA and UUCSA concerning the status of the current Shi’as are not answered, yet JUSA’s secretary general uses much time to post and comment on the Masjid court issue.

Is the Kuffar-Shi’a saga not an important issue? Why then the silence? Why are they ignoring the Shi’a issue by not issuing any clear and explicit comment on the Shi’as? Why has the secretary general not issued any lengthy (or short) message on his WhatsApp group/s to state in clear terms and lines as to whether the current Shi’as are Muslims or not?

Just as the secretary general of JUSA has dug into the court-papers to find ‘faults’ and ‘errors’ and cited them on social media platform/s, so too, it is his duty to cite the ‘faults’ and ‘errors’ of the Kuffar-Shi’as and their Kufr beliefs.

We ask the Muslims of South Africa to be extremely wary of the Fordsburg based Jamiat and UUCSA. Their dumb-attitude on the Shi’a issue speaks volumes of their reality! Since they are quick – very quick – in delving into many other topics by having a say on those issues, posting a comment or writing a newspaper article alongside their Haraam picture, why have they opted for silence on the Kuffar-Shi’as that affects every Muslim of South Africa, and the Muslims of the entire world?

We hereunder reproduce just three of the Kufr beliefs and claims of the Kuffar-Shi’as. If these hurt you and hurt your Sahaabah-love, then demand answers from JUSA and UUCSA on their view on the current Shi’as. Ask them to openly state their views. 

The Kufr of the Shi’as:

1) “After (Rasulullah) all people became Murtads (reneged from Islam) except three persons – Miqdad Bin Aswad, Abu Dharr Ghifari and Salman Farsi.” (Shi’a Kitaab: Fi Jawaab Nikah Umme-Kulthum)

2) “After Makkah Muazzamah, Imam Mehdi will proceed to Madinah, the city of our grandfather, Rasulullah. At Madinah, he (Imam Mehdi) will demonstrate an astonishing act which will be a cause of great happiness for the Mu’mineen and a cause of disgrace for the Kuffaar and Munaafiqeen.

3) When Imam Mehdi will reach the grave of Rasulullah, he will ask the people: “O people! Is this the grave of our grandfather, Rasulullah?” The people will say-“Yes, this is his grave.” Imam Mehdi will then ask: “Who are these persons who have been buried alongside our grandfather!”

The people will say: “They are Abu Bakr and Umar, the closest companions of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)”. Imaam Mehdi (in spite of knowing everything) will say: Who was Abu Bakr and who was Umar?  What was their excellence which necessitated their burial alongside our grandfather?”…

After three days Saahibul Amr (the Shi’ee title for Imam Mehdi) will order the walls to be broken and their bodies exhumed. After the exhumation of their bodies, he will order their Kafan to be removed and their bodies to be hung up on a dried out tree…”

Imam Mehdi will command a dark storm to destroy those who loved them (i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar Radhiallahu anhuma). Imam Mehdi will then order that the bodies be taken down from the tree. With the power of Allah Imam Mehdi will restore them to life. He will order all mankind to gather.

Then these two will be held liable for the sin of all oppression and Kufr which occurred from the beginning of the world. They will be held responsible for all such sin…..the sin of every murder committed, of every act of adultery committed, of every act of Riba (interest), of every act of Haraam wealth and injustice perpetrated until the advent of Imam Mehdi’s appearance. Both of them will plead guilty to all these crimes. Saahibul Amr will then command that they be hanged on a tree. He will command a fire to rise from the earth and devour them. A fire will miraculously rise and reduce them and the tree to ashes..” (Haqqul-Yaqeen of Mullah Baqir Majlisi – a Shi’a Kitaab and priest)

Don’t contribute to JUSA, UUCSA, Radio so-called ‘Islam’ and to any organisation, group, Masjid, Muslim Jamaat, etc. that runs under them!

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