World Cups And Our Short Lives

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Promoting Haraam Rugby On Social Media

Life Is Short – Two Accidents Over The Weekend Resulting In Two Entire Families Passing Away!

“When a sin is committed on earth, then the one who sees it and disapproves of it will be regarded to have been absent, but he who is not present physically and approves of it will be regarded to have been present.” (Abu Dawood)

In this era, even if a person does not follow any sport, any news, any politics, any currency rates or anything to do with the world, the news comes forth to him from all sides.

Thus, South African Muslims should not be supporters and broadcasters of any Kuffaar sports and of their results, matches, finals, champions, etc. As some of our pious Mashaaikh say, “World Cups are the cups of Shaitaan.” Meaning, the Kuffaar sports and their world cups are all influenced and designed by Shaitaan and his agents and cronies.

Just take the recent Haraam rugby world cup. To understand why Islaam does NOT promote and deem permissible any Kuffaar sports, the following irrefutable points will make any sane and interested Muslim realize this.

Obviously, these points are perpetrated by the Kuffaar.

  1. Liquor – The exclusive drink of this sport! Kuffaar supporters gather at pubs and watch the match. They leave the pubs drunk, all due to a sport.
  2. Vulgarity – This follows the results of the above.
  3. Violence – This follows the above two points.
  4. Zina – This follows the first point. In case of victory of a team, then many times, the ‘happiness’ is celebrated with Zina.
  5. Music – Upon the victory of teams, the country’s supporters back home blast the music which according to some Mashaaik is, ‘the words of Shaitaan’.
  6. Wearing their kits – In support of the team, the men and women wear the players’ kits. Many of these sports kits are such that the Satr is exposed. Thus, shamelessness is promoted in the garb of supporting the team.

The above basic 6 points are all done by Kuffaar, and even some Muslims, sadly. The above points are Haraam and major sins. Ahaadith have been recorded explaining the severity of some of the above points. Can Islaam allow and promote such Haraam in the name of sports and supporting a team?

However, sadly, Muslim Sport Fanatics and even Muslims in general – some who are known to be pious, others who are involved in Deeni works – had sent and spread the news and Haraam pictures and videos on social platforms including statuses of social media, of the victory, teams, players, captains, logos of teams, flags, jokes of the loss of the defeated team, videos of the winning ceremony and all similar acts related to the Rugby Haraam World Cup which is a sport which comes with the above 6 points, of which every point is HARAAM in Islaam!

Even Muslims who are not sport fanatics and followers, had promoted the victory of this sport which brings with it the above 6 (Haraam) points. In so doing, all those who spread such pictures, videos or jokes on social media, have shown their support for the Haraam sport. The Hadith mentioned in the beginning should be remembered.

Thus, it is only Islamically expected to make Taubah from having been in support of a Kuffaar sport. Since the sin of supporting this sport was done on a social media platform which is public forum, the Taubah should also be public.

The following Fiqh Kitaabs mention the prohibition of sports which includes world cups as Haraam with the exceptions as mentioned.

  • Al-Jaami’us-Sagheer (Vol. 1, page 483): “Every sport is impermissible because Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘Every sport of the son of Aadam is Baatil except his play with his wife, training with his horse and practising with his bow.’
  • Tabyeenul Haqaaiq (Vol. 6, page 414): Explaining the prohibition of backgammon and chess, it is mentioned: “Playing with backgammon, chess and every sport is not permissible because Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘Every sport of Ibn Aadam (i.e. of man) is Haraam except three: his play with his wife, his training with his horse, and his practising with his bow.’”
  • Al-Bahrur Raaiq (Vol. 8, page 236): “Playing with chess, backgammon and every sport are not permissible because Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘Every play of Ibn Aadam is Haraam except three……..’”
  • Majma’ul Anhur fi Sharhi Muntaqil Abhur (Vol. 4, page 222): “Playing with backgammon, chess and arba’ ashar which is a sport adopted by the Yahood, and every other sport are Haraam because Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘Every sport of Ibn Aadam is Haraam……..’”
  • Fataawa Hindiyyah: It is stated that there is consensus of all Math-habs that every sport is Haraam except chess which according to the Ahnaaf (Hanafis), Hanaabilah (Hambalis) and Maalikiyyah (Malikis) is Haraam while Makrooh according to the Shaafi Math-hab. Besides this slight difference pertaining to chess, there is Ijma’ (consensus) of the Math-habs that all sport is Haraam.
  • Nisaabul Ihtisaab: Two narrational proofs for the prohibition of sport are mentioned:
  • The Qur’aanic Aayat: ‘What! Do you think that We have created you uselessly (to indulge in sport and futility)?”
  • The Hadith in which Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The sport of the Mu’min is Baatil except three…..” (Vol.1, page 153)

Swimming (privately while maintaining Hayaa and Hijaab and not for any sport or in any competition) is also encouraged elsewhere in the Hadith.

Two Accidents Over The Weekend – Two Families Wiped Out!

Our life in the world is to worship Allah Ta’ala. We have not been sent to this world to engage in following sports, supporting teams and pass our weekends in amusements.

Life is short. This world is temporary. This world is a Muslim’s planting field for the Aakhirat. On the other hand, this world is a ‘Jannat’ for the Kuffaar. Muslims must turn their focus to the preparation for the Aakhirat.

In two separate accidents, two Muslim families have passed away. On Saturday night (2 November 2019), a family of five met in an accident in Johannesburg. Husband, wife, two children and a relative passed away. The youngest was a two-month old baby! Later, a sixth member also passed away in hospital (according to the news we received – Allah knows best).

On Sunday night, a newly-wed couple met in an accident. Husband (a Moulana) and wife passed away! May Allah Ta’ala grant all the Marhoomeen Jannah, Aameen.

This proves to us how short life is. We cannot afford to pass our life while supporting, promoting and watching / listening / live-streaming Kuffaar sports and world cups.

Conclusion – Create A Deeni Environment At Home

We have repeatedly mentioned this point. Indeed, it cannot be over-emphasized. We have to create a Deeni environment in our homes. The parents have to ensure their Baaligh children are performing ALL their Salaah on time. In fact, long before Buloogh, regular Salaah must be inculcated in the child according to the Hadith. Ensure that for Fajr Salaah the sons accompany the father to the Masjid to be present from Takbeer-e-Ula of the Jamaat Salaah. The daughters should read their Salaah at home.

Read the stories of the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) daily to be acquainted with their sacrifices and Taqwa. Also, an abhorrence for following the Kuffaar ways must be created and embedded in the hearts when reading of the torture and trouble the Kuffaar meted out to the Sahaabah. Then one will realise how unwise it is to support the Kuffaar in their sports, world cups, ways and manners.

Time is passing, we don’t know when our day of Maut may be. The present time we have is an opportunity to secure our Aakhirat. Use it productively! Using time to support or watch sports is NOT productive usage of this valuable time!

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